
He never mentions girls, which Laura always found odd for a boy his age, but she knew why he avoids the subject.
They were muscular guys, some of them hairy, and some not. However, they had huge floppy cocks. The smallest probably six inches soft, and most of them uncircumcised. The women’s eyes bulges, and they gasp, in amazement.
“Holy hell,” Laura said, laughing to break the tension. “Only two minutes into the movie and there they are.”
“Omigod!” Tina began clutching a pillow to her chest now. “I’ve never seen such enormous dongs before.”
“I hope not,” Laura said with a giggle. “A girl your age could get hurt.”
Laura and Tina both laugh.
The way the two women leer at the screen, at those gigantic dicks made him feel embarrassed. He became acutely self-conscious of his problem again, watching those big dicks flopping about in the showers. Theses men’s flaccid dicks were so intimidating to him, he couldn’t help but blush.
“Does male nudity offend you, Danny?” Tina asks with a grin, giving him a poke in the ribs with her elbow.
His stepmother giggles.
“Don’t worry, Danny, think of it like the locker room at the College. I’m sure it’s no different.”
Danny rolls his eyes. “Locker rooms are nothing like this. Not every guy is built like Mr. America and hung like a freakin’ horse,” he said sarcastically
“Speaking from experience are we, big brother?” Tina asks and giggles.
“Leave your brother alone, Tina.” Laura said before Danny could respond.
“Are you OK? Are you having a panic attack?”
“Uh-oh,” Tina said playfully as they prepare for another large penis shot.
The man slowly undressed to his boxers. After a couple-second delay, to build the suspense, he took his underwear off unfurling a monster cock.
A horse would be proud to own that, Danny thought bitterly.
“WOW!” Tina said in admiration.
“Wow, is right. The biggest dick I’ve ever seen,” Laura adds crossing her legs again.
Danny drops his leg to the floor and stood. He tries to leave quickly. But it’s too little, too late. Both women’s eyes were on his crotch, his hard dick tenting his shorts, and showing it to the fullest. The women glance at each other and smile.
“Danny, we paused the movie for you,” Tina said.
The same guy from before is standing there nude. His large penis hanging in front of him as he approaches the shower. Ten inches soft.
“It’s a good view anyway,” Laura said with a laugh.
As the man showers, the movie kept having a close-up of his big penis, the shower water cascading off it as rain running off some mighty structure.
“This guy is enormous, there’s no way you could fuck a dick that big. It’d hurt too much,” Tina couldn’t help saying.
“What do you think, Danny?”
“I’m not gay, so I’ve never thought about it,” Danny said.
In the movie, the phone rang and the man woke, got out of bed, and ran briskly from the bedroom to the kitchen to answer it. He ran, of course, naked. Nothing restrains his big penis as he ran.
“God, look at that thing flop about,” Laura said and gasp.
“Mom!” Tina yells laughingly, although she thought the same thing.
“Holy fuck!” Tina suddenly yells, as she saw Danny’s boner.
“My God, Danny, you REALLY liked the movie, eh?” Laura said, her eyes still glues to his crotch.
“I don’t think he would’ve gotten a part in the movie, though,” Tina said with a smirk.
Mother and daughter glances at each other, and burst out laughing.
“It’s not funny,” Danny said blushing.
“You have such a tiny dick, Danny,” Tina said blatantly exposing his ‘problem’ and making Danny blush.
Laura playfully taps her daughter on the arm, with a giggle.
“Tina, don’t tease your brother, you’ll give him a complex.”
“But mom, it’s fucking TINY. He has a full-on baby dick!” Tina said, pointing at Danny’s crotch making his face turn even a brighter red.
“Tina, stop it. He can’t help how he was born,” Laura said with a frown.
“Why can’t I wear a pair of dad’s bathers?”
She laughs as if he told her a good joke.
“Your dad’s bathers are way too big for you. Especially in the front.
Amy Cooper could hardly keep a straight face as she watched her son. The eighteen-year-old boy, still a senior in high school, stood shivering as he avoided eye contact with the woman. Amy had brought Jamie to the store to shop for a new summer wardrobe. As a graduation gift she planned to bring the boy along on vacation this year, so he needed something appropriate to swim in. Somehow she’d talked him into trying on a Speedo. The skimpy thing was more a banana hammock really. Amy didn’t expect that her son would fill it, but she’d never thought he’d look quite so pathetic.
The front of the Speedo sagged from Jamie’s body. There was so sign of any support at all. This one was obviously intended for a more endowed man.
Five minutes later Jamie stepped back out in a bright red Speedo that seemed just as loose on him as the first. She pushed her finger into the loose waist band and gave it a tug, noticing how much room there was to spare. Amy also noticed two young girls nearby, both about her son’s age, who were snickering at the boy.
Clearing her throat, Amy spoke loudly enough for the girls to hear, “Do you even have a dick in there?”
“M… Mom,” Jamie cried, “I just need a smaller one, that’s all!”
“Obviously, well here then.” Amy yanked another Speedo off the rack. This one was a small. The front bulge was small, looking more like underwear really. She felt certain that her son should be able to fill out at least this much. A few minutes later she found herself disappointed.
Jamie stepped out looking just as miserable as he had the first two times. Amy could hardly believe her eyes. The front was sagging to the point of being nearly flat. There seemed to be no bulge at all.
The woman pinched the loose fabric of her son’s Speedo and yanked it out, pulling the whole thing a bit away from his body. Jamie cried out, “Mom, cut it out! People will see!”
A quick search of a shelf found a child’s size Speedo. It was yellow with a certain cartoon sponge named Bob on the butt. Jamie whined at the sight of it, but his mother shooed him on.
Taking far longer to change this time, Jamie stepped out in something tight enough that it dug up the crack of ass and yet still somehow roomy in the front. Amy nearly choked. Did her son really have no dick at all. Now the girls were only a few feet away. Amy thought she recognized them from her son’s school. Both were cute and endowed.
“It’s very cute on you,” Amy said, plucking at the backside, “Let’s see what these girls think.” Jamie’s eyes widened when he saw the girls. Indeed they were from his school, both shared a maths class with him. “Ladies, do you think this suits my son?”
One of the girls, a blonde haired bimbo well-known for her loud mouth, grinned from ear to ear as she looked Jamie over. The other was doing a poor job of concealing her camera phone. Jamie knew she was taking photos of him. “He doesn’t seem to quite fill it,” the blonde snickered.
“Well he has an awfully tiny peepee,” Amy said bluntly, “You know when he was born he was diagnosed with a micropenis. I guess that hasn’t changed…”
“Mom,” Jamie cried, “Don’t say that!”
“Awww… Don’t be shy,” the other girl cooed, “Go on, show us your dinky so we can help your mommy find you something appropriate!”
Amy wasn’t about to wait for her son to relent. She boldly pinched the waist of his Speedo and tugged it down a bit, revealing an inch long stub no thicker than a pencil and as pink as a clitoris. Much to Jamie’s shame, he was erect.
Neither girl could stop laughing. “That’s so cute,” the blonde squealed, “And look, his sac looks like a pimple!”
Jamie’s eyes began to water from shame. “Please mom,” he whined, “Stop!”
Of course Amy wasn’t about to give up now. The woman was having so much fun with her son that she just never wanted to stop. “My little darling only has one testicle in there. Poor thing, he was born with just one.”
This confession naturally sent both girls into hysterics. Jamie’s face turned as pink as his tiny dick. To make matters worse his little dick chose right then to squirt out a tiny droplet of cum straight onto his mother’s hand. This caused all three women to quiet down for a second before resuming their laughter.
“I… I think this is perfect for him,” the blonde stammered between laughs. She held up a string bikini bottom with a patch of cloth only about an inch wide. It was bright pink, and obviously intended for only the most daring of women.
“Here ya go,” she said, tossing bathers onto Danny’s bed. “Try these on for size.”
He picks up the bathers and opens them out, staring at them with a grimace.
His eyes bulged. “A bikini bottom?”
The bikini bottoms were a mauve color, and had pink flowers on them. He held them up, turning them around to examine them.
“I can’t wear these?” Danny went pale. “What if my friends are at the beach?”
“Don’t be silly. Nobody will know the difference, so hurry,” she said impatiently.
Amy took it and handed it to her, directing him back into the changing room. A minute later Jamie stepped out, his genitals fully covered by the near complete lack of cloth.
“Still looks a bit loose,” the blonde said, “Maybe just try a band-aid?”
Amy nodded, “Yes, that would be perfect. A band-aid to cover his booboo.”
He took the bikini bottom and they went to the beach. That was when they saw him.
I knew how it embarrassed her that her pathetic son was too much of a pussy to defend himself. I knew she wished that I had grown up to be a real man, one who was rugged, strong, and athletic.
As I looked at Colin, I noticed how ripped and muscular he looked. His chiseled abs, his muscular arms, his tan attractive face, and yes, the large bulge at the front of his big bathing suit. In fact, it was enormous. Because he had know shirt on, my eyes couldn’t help but stare at the outline of his humongous cock. All the girls talked about it. So I couldn’t stop myself from checking it out myself. I had seen Colin half naked in the locker room a few times but never for too long.
Seth stood at 6’3′ and towered over her by a foot. He just stood there and stared at my mom’s boobs, occasionally bringing his eyes up to meet hers in an attempt to make it even more obvious.
"Why don’t you pick on someone your own size you prick! My son can’t defend himself! You’re so much bigger and stronger than him it isn’t right" My mom’s eyes skimmed Seth’s godlike, chiseled body and she began to lick her lips.
There had always been rumors going around school that he had the biggest dick in town. It was said to be 9 inches long when hard and six inches around. I was still a virgin at 18 because my scrawny five inch penis just can’t compete when there are dicks like Seth’s out there. Mom’s eyes moved down again and stopped on the bulge as she started to trip and stumble over her words. Seth hadn’t uttered a single word to her and yet she got really flustered and started sweating.
"Sh-sh-shut the fuck up you asshole. I-I-I-mmmmmmmm" That was all she could get out. I looked in the mirror on my door and saw Seth’s back with my mother’s arms around him. She slid a hand up under his shirt and rubbed his muscular back as she made out with my bully right in my bedroom. I was so confused and hurt that she didn’t even try to back away and made no effort to protest.
Mom pulled back after a minute or so and confessed to everything. She told Seth all about the other PTA moms who used to gossip about the size of his dong. "May I see it?" Mom asked shyly and nervously.
Colin had leaned down right over my face. He still had his bathing suit on, but I could feel the heat of his dick. She begin to feel his cock outline. Laura’s breathing was heavy and she was enjoying it. "It’s so heavy, so big," she said.
The sound of a zipper lowering struck me like a gunshot. I could see in the mirror that they turned to the side. Seth’s erect penis jutted out and upward like a big, thick tree branch as my mom crouched down to admire it. And than when she pulled down his pants, the most gigantic cock I have ever seen sprang out. She touched it.
My mother puts her hand over her mouth at the sight of it her eyes grow wide. "Oh my, Seth!" mom gasped. "That’s so fucking big! It’s at least twice the size of my husband’s!" She says before looking back up into his eyes with the most lustful stare I have ever seen. She grabbed the magnificent member as a shock went through my body. My dick was getting hard. I didn’t want it to, but I couldn’t stop it. My jeans started to feel tighter and tighter. The sight of mom’s small hand, wedding ring and all, sliding up and down Seth’s cock left me barely able to breathe.
Now picture my handsome lover, lean and athletic, his naked body sitting on the edge of the bed. Imagine my luscious and beautiful naked female form, kneeling before him, between his legs.
He moaned loudly and mom scolded him again. "Shhh. My son is probably around." "If he comes back, I’ll just kick his ass and throw him out the fucking window!" Seth’s cock looked almost like it was visibly throbbing as my mom’s hand moved a little bit faster.
Mom laughed. "Hahaha, ahhh, I’d like to see that. That little sissy pisses me off sometimes. She stuck her tongue out and started licking the tip. Then she started kissing it all over, right down the shaft then licking her way back up again. She could barely fit her lips around Seth’s penis but still managed to get it pretty deep in her mouth like she was swallowing a sword. I watched in horror, though still hard as a rock, as Seth’s dick got wetter and shinier as my mom slathered it in her saliva. I could see strands of it dripping off and landing in the carpet only a foot in front of me. The slurping noises only made me get harder. Seth helped raise my mom back to her feet and gently pushed her onto my bed. My head was too close to the bottom which slammed down on me under my mother’s weight.
Mom moaned and sqealed loudly. She told him how sexy she thought his muscles were and that she always had a thing for bullies ever since she was a teenager. It is a sad truth that most women will never admit. Nothing turns them on as much as a strong man dominating over a weak one.
"Do it." She says "Put it in me." his stare is intimidating. She breaks eye contact and looks down, blushes slightly and then understands. Looking back up into his eyes, with purpose she says "Please put it in me."
Seth’s massive cock was still dripping with my mother’s spit and her pussy was so wet that it effortlessly swallowed his penis as he slid it in.
Her breaths are at first so short and gasping from the pleasure it almost sounds like she is hyperventilating. As he presses himself deep inside of her I notice something, her belly, it is rising, swelling slightly. It’s his cock, it’s so large I can see it as it pushes its way up my mother and into her womb.
Then Mom started screaming and swearing like I’ve never heard her do before. At one point, the shelf above my desk with all my academic awards fell off the wall and came crashing down onto my desk, breaking some of my prized possessions. I couldn’t believe it. My 18 year old bully was having sex with my mom! In my bed!
My mother begins to lift herself up his shaft revealing just how wet and sloppy her pussy is. His cock glistens, even his belly glistens from when she was sat on it. Her pussy is literally drooling on his broad solid pole as beads of clear slick juice roll down his shaft.
I had to open my eyes completely now and sit up. "Oh look… he couldn’t resist taking a look at his cock… I knew he was awake," Tina said.
"Where were you?" I heard my mother ask. "I was worried." I tried to think of an excuse as fast as I could. "I went to the clinic to have them look at my injury. Seth may have fractured my eye socket." It almost seemed like my mother was mocking me when she said "awe, poor baby. I know that big strong bully hurt you."
"Dale get the fuck on your knees." All the girls giggle and stepped back. My very own loving stepmother was in control of the situation now, and I couldn’t help but listen. She was gorgeous, and even though he had bullied me four all of high school, Colin was hot and his superiority over me left me speechless and turned on. I was completely helpless at this point. I immediately got on my knees, while completely naked with my little dick sticking out, in front of all the girls, and Colin’s cock inches from my face.
"Gosh I can’t defend you anymore Dale, you really are a little sissy. You have a little boner with your little cock while a muscular attractive man is standing over you," Laura said. My face was bright red, and I could not formulate a response. "I knew he was gay," Olivia then said.
I stared at his cock in her hand. Erect and flawless. I couldn’t help admiring it. It was the most beautiful, perfect cock I had ever seen. Much bigger than mine, much longer than mine, and straight and smooth with a beautiful mushroom head. If the perfect cock was possible, this would be it. And it belonged to my bully, AND it was was in my very own mom’s hand, straight up and stiff. Colin’s beautiful hard cock, the one all the girls had always been obsessed with, was in my mom’s hand a few inches next to me.
"Look at the head, thick and throbbing. Isn’t it powerful?" I nodded submissively. "You want it too, don’t you. You want it in your mouth. You want Colin’s big cock in your mouth.
"Well, not yet. Mommy gets to go first.
Imagine seeing his cock right before your eyes. Picture my lover’s beautiful, perfect cock, glistening and moist. The cock you were kissing and licking, hard and throbbing, practically glowing, right in front of your eyes. Picture his wet, sexy cock in my hand. Now lick his cock from the base where my hand is holding him, all the way up the shaft to the little slit at the top of his head. Yes, just like that. Do it again. Slowly. Imagine every vein, the texture of the skin, the warmth under your tongue, feel it pulse and jump as you slide your tongue along the entire length of his cock and then linger at the tip
"Dale, Suck Colin’s cock for me, baby, and surrender yourself to your gay fantasy. Be my little cocksucker. Suck his cock." I can’t help but inch towards his cock.
"You want this. You want his cock in your mouth. You can’t resist it. You desperately want to suck cock. You’re a faggot."
I open my mouth, and my mother laughs. "God you’re a faggot… beg for it." For the first time in awhile, I talk, "Please mom, let me suck his cock." "Why?" "Because I’m a sissy faggot and really want to." She smiles and shoves his enormous cock violently into my mouth.
Imagine his cock entering your mouth. You feel your lips around his smooth shaft.
It feels so good to have me helping you suck cock, to have me guiding his cock into your mouth. Feeding you cock.
My hand is no longer at the back of your head. You’re on your own now, sucking his hard cock with no inhibitions and without assistance. I let go of his cock, allowing you to carry the full weight of it between your lips. It’s all you now. You’re consumed with cock lust. Suck his cock and show me what a slut you are.
Within just minutes, my pussy quivers and convulses, and the sound of my climax fills your ears while you continue to suck, a wildly intense orgasm ringing in your ears, that lasts and lasts, and still you keep sucking, until finally my rambling screams of pleasure degenerate into mild grunts and groans that roll and fade away into deep, heavy breathing, all amidst the sounds of my lover’s soft moaning and your relentless slurping on his cock. One final, extended, satisfying moan escapes my lips, and still, you keep sucking.
You have a cock in your mouth and you feel so happy. You feel yourself shaking, trembling, vibrating.
The cock in your mouth feels fantastic. And your cock… your throbbing cock, is stiff and rigid and leaking pre-cum all over. And the cock in your mouth is the cause of your arousal.
"Stop for a moment," I command. You seem startled by my sudden request, and I have to pull you off of his cock. Your mouth feels empty. Already you want more cock.
I make you give his enormous balls some attention. You lick them carefully and suck each one eagerly.
"Taste yourself on him. Suck your cum off his cock, sweetie." Your mouth had already descended around his cock again before I said that. You needed it back in your mouth, but you don’t forget about his balls, playing with them with your hand as you suck his cock.
You feel yourself getting aroused from worshiping cock. You see his balls tighten and you hear him moan and it pleases you so much that you moan in turn around his cock. You keep sucking him, deeper. Oh God, that singular sound of you moaning with your mouth full of cock sends a shockwave through my pussy!
You suck cock like it’s your favorite candy, knowing the best part, locked inside, is the delicious cream. That’s what you want, the creamy center, and you want to suck it out. You want to suck the cum out of my lover’s cock.
Such a naughty slut. So eager to feel his cream squirt in your mouth. A sexy slut, horny for cum, that’s what you are, babe. That’s what you’ve become. Make that candy squirt, princess.
You want my lover’s cum in your mouth so much, and you feel his cock twitch, and you feel your own cock tingle and throb, and you know that when he cums in your mouth you’re going to cum as well, overwhelmed by the sexual energy being released.
Feel it. Feel his cock throb and twitch in your mouth, thrusting deeply between your lips. Imagine the pulsing hot flesh, stiff and swollen, reaching into you. When he cums in your mouth, it’s going to make you cum.
And then it happens… Pulsing. Thrusting. Harder. Ejaculating. Imagine him cumming in your mouth now. Imagine his cum splashing the inside of your mouth as his cock explodes. Feel his cock flex and his semen hitting the back of your tongue, again and again. Feel his sperm bursting into your mouth. Taste his cream, slut.
Feel it. His cock shooting cum into your mouth, your lips wrapped tightly around the shaft.
Your own cock tingles and bounces stiffly and then you feel a strange and wonderful surge of intense pleasure throughout your entire body, surging towards a single point, a delightful divine energy extending from behind your balls, then along the shaft of your cock and up through the head. You feel my lovers cum in your mouth. Creamy and thick. Mmmm, it feels so good. And then you feel yourself cumming. A long, steady, uncontrolled flow of cum gushing from your cock. You feel my lover’s wet cum on your tongue and you feel yourself oozing, and releasing more of your sexual fluid. You feel my lover’s sperm in your throat and still more cum spills from your cock.
Your whole body orgasms with a shudder, your mouth open wide yet still full of cock and cum. This is your reward, the grand prize, your special treat. You love it.
You sucked your bully’s cock and swallowed his cum in front of your very own mother, and you loved it. There’s no turning back.
It looks all the energy remaining in my mother to pull me off of Colin’s cock. And as it escaped, I felt empty. I wanted more. I needed more cock. My bully pulled up his pants and walked away after exchanging numbers with my mother and the girls.
"You really are a sissy cock slut aren’t you?" My mommy said to me as she cradled me in her hands like a baby against her beautiful breasts and I stared as Colin walked away, cum still oozing from my little dick.
I nodded my head, still staring at the bulge in Colin’s pants as he walked away. I just wanted to run after him, pull his pants down and put his cock back in my mouth. I needed it.