Vegas Buffet Up-Skirt

Have you ever had the feeling that you were being watched? I did and I was. I was at an all you can eat buffet eating dinner. I had been there about thirty minutes when I noticed this old white guy staring at me. When I caught his gaze in mine, he looks away.
He was a typical tourist. Old guy, over-weight, clean shaved and glasses. He must not see many fine Mexican women wherever he’s from.
So we’re eating and talking and I look up and he’s staring at me again. He was looking a little dazed, smiling and licking his fat old lips. He saw me and then looks away again. His wife is talking to him but you can tell he wasn’t paying any attention to her.
I don’t really give a shit why he’s staring but the way he’s looking at me is getting very creepy. It’s back to my meal.
I wait a little bit and then I look back at him. He has the same weird smirk on his face but has his phone out and seems to be deep in something. Good, maybe he’s done staring.
After a good twenty more minutes I’m done eating and look up to see his eyes locked on mine. WTF! I notice one of his hands is in his pocket and rubbing his crotch under the table. Something’s up for sure. His phone is still in his hand but now it looks like it’s pointed right at me.
I look down and see that he is focusing his attention on my lap. Damn, I accidentally hiked open my skirt while I was eating. The table cloth covered up the view from most people, except for the guy sitting directly across from me! I forgot I was not wearing jeans, so most of my meal, he must have had a great view of my crotch. I was wearing my sexy butterfly panties. They are black mesh panties, that at the right angle, you can see my pussy in great detail.
I was so embarrassed. As soon as I adjusted my skirt, and cross my legs, I look up and his face goes deep red and you know this old fuck is busted. Away goes his phone and tries to get up to leave but can’t. His hard-on won’t let him stand up! I’m cracking up. His wife was yelling at him to get up. He just sits there like a dumbass.
It serves you right, Dirty Old Fuck.
Poor story
Is English your second language ?