Thirsty Chicks

So I went on a date with this guy, it just so happens the restaurant we went to, the hostess was someone he use to smash and never called back.. Heres how I know, thirsty chick comes over to the table talks to the guy for a minute before I decided to get up and go to the bathroom, so she would get the hint.. ok he’s out on a date. So when I came back the hostess was still at the table. Im sure he f’d her before just by the way she was acting when I came back she begin to ask me a series of questions about where I was from, what college I went to. I’m trying to be cordial. This this thirsty chick went on to ask me how old I was.. So I told her and she was like wow I did not know you were that old.. Lol..Yep, I replied Im older than you and I don’t look as you. To make a long story short. I never went out with him again.. He apparently did not know how to control the thirsty ass chick.. Or she was mad he didnt fuck her again.. lol