Posts Tagged ‘Fitnessguy’

Family friend
I've known Brittney for quite a long time. Her family and mine have been family friends for over 20 years. Brittney and I went on a date about 10 years ago but nothing came out of it. She ended up dating a guy and they got married. After she got married we didn't really talk …

Girl from the gym again
I hadn't talked to K in a long time. She had gotten married and had some kids. She ended up moving away. K and I used to hook up quite often and a couple times right after she was married. I haven't seen her in about 5 years. She recently messaged me on Facebook and …

Girl from the gym
I’ve known lacey almost my entire life. I went to school with her and we talked occasionally. We lost connection between us after graduating though. I just ran into her at the gym this last month. We made some small talk and got caught up. She was engaged and had really grown into her body. …