Strap ON!!!?!?!?!
Take the sexiest woman in the world then multiply the sexiness by 5 and that is her.
Baaaad as hell is all I can say to describe this sister.
She is all that you want body loddy-doddy face straight off of some artist’s canvas
She is sexually powerful and loves to be in charge.
She gives awesome head and loves to be fucked in all the places!
OOPS! Let me also mention she is BI with the finest freakiest friends.
She is a super great communicator – well spoken with a voice unique in it’s timbre and tone.
A brother hit a huge jackpot with this one.
There is just one problem
She wants to strap on and fuck me!
Whoa! I have to admit I am thinking about it!
But of course the question is… If I allow her to do that, does that make me a undercover brother!?!?!? So undercover even I don’t know it!?!?
I mean… does the fact that I am even considering it say some shit about me?
If you like it does not mean that you are Gay and you will go seeking out real dicks to get up in you
I am afraid i might like keep it real
I mean not really but its the fact that if you like it you might or if she wasn’t as fine as you say she is would you consider it? Those are the questions you need to ask
So you are saying that if i like it then I may be an under UNDERCOVER brother? A Dios Mio!!
Damn! I wanna see this chick!