spoiled and coddled

I was born in 1983 and have wealthy parents who immigrated from Bulgaria in about 1980. My Father had business interests all over Europe and some in South America.My first recollection of Pavla and Rada,also from Bulgaria,was when I must have been about 4 or 5. They were the 2 nanny's who raised me along with numerous tudors while being home schooled. I lived in and was confined to an 8 bedroom estate rarely seeing my parents since they were out of the country most of each year. We had a live in cook named Boyanna who was Bulgarian. There were also many different maids over those years along with groundskeepers who were mostly Americans. To say I was coddled is an understatement as these women waited on me head to foot until I was 19 and went to college in the UK. Rada and Pavla were in their late 50's or 60 when I went off to school and both died years ago.
Before this sounds like crazy women pedophile stuff I want to make it clear that this had nothing to do with any of those women being sexual with me in any way. Of course when I was very young my nudity around them was not even a thought. I doubt I had any embarrassment until I was maybe 10 or 11 and it continued until I was around 12 or 13.It became futile for me and by that time I lost all inhibitions and humiliation of being seen naked in front of them. I was bathed everyday by one or both like I was a prince and became so accustom to the way they took control of me. A few times each week they would wash me and apply skin lotion to my body. I'd be exposed to them awkwardly as they applied it to my genitals and anus area. Other days I was bombarded in the same way with talcum powder. More times than I can count I asked them for me to bathe alone to no avail. As I got to my teens I often got erections and I'm almost sure I never jerked off until I was 13 and always alone. The first few times I got a hard on I was embarrassed mostly because these women were so old, but they never mentioned it to me. When I think back I consider myself very naive up until I was around 21 in school and began having friends. My parents forced me to have an extremely sheltered life up util then.
All those years the nanny's and household help were my only contacts except for occasional visits from my parents friends or business associates. It probably bothered me or embarrassment me at some point but most of the cleaning ladies and the cook Boyanna had seen me naked more times than I'm willing to admit. Some of them where fairly young back then but over the years I became immune to embarrassment. As often as Rada or Pavla touched my genitals and anus there was never anything sexual about it. I do think a couple of the maids intentionally came in when I was naked but nothing was ever said about it. I did masturbate often but always locked my door for fear of getting caught. Whats amusing about now that I'm 39 years old is that now I would like to have women bathing me every night. Guess you never know how good you had it until its gone. When I was 19 my nudity around them or any of the other women never bothered me and I don't think I appreciated how spoiled and content I was. I'm the head of my parents corporate board today and although financially set for life still don't know my parents very well and see them only a half dozen times a year. They were never attentive which is just the opposite of Rada and Pavla who I'll never forget.