So Embarrassed!!

So last week, I went on a date with this guy I’ve been seeing for 2months. We went for wine and snacks at intermezzo in Atl. He ordered a plate of assorted cheese, fruit, bread, olives, and hummus. Now this was a special date, I was going to give him the cookies, so everything had to be perfect. I had on good undies, hair done, nails done, waxing done.. I was fierce! We had a great conversation like we usually do while devouring a bottle of wine and snack tray. Now since I was a kid, I’ve always had to deal with food allergies, and things like nuts and sesame give me varied reactions but I control it by staying far away from those foods. As our conversation turned a little toward the sensual side, he decideds he was to feed me OK!:) He picks up an olive with a little hummus on it and puts it in my mouth. I never tried hummus before that night but that night was a night for new experiences so I could not refuse.. Immediately my mouth started to tingle a little bit but I played it off, I mean there was no way I was ruining the night. I rinsed out my mouth with some water and continued drinking wine until I could not feel the reaction anymore. We left the restaurant, went to his place… Mission accomplished, we both went to sleep, a little while later I woke to rumbling in my tummy. I tried to ignore it but I could’nt. I sat straight up in bed, he asked me if I was ok, I puked!I got out of bed and made a dash to the bathroom with my hand over my mouth trying to contain the puke, it did’nt work! I Puked all over his walls, floor, shower, everywhere! Finally I made it to the toilet but the rumbling in my tummy turned into something else. I sat down on the toilet, naked with puke all over the bathroom and body. My guy comes in and turns on all the lights on! WHY ME! Can u say embarrassed!!!
Moral of the story is to leave hummus the fuck alone.
I know who you are!
O….M…..G…. Poor thang
I love cookies