I just find this experience important to share but never really have a chance to. Anyway, my first time masturbating was with a power cable to my penis. I was about 8ish trying to splice wires together and kept getting shocked when trying to fix it (no ties or tape, just wires. The shock eventually led me to think its not so bad. Tried on my tongue with both sides, it hurt but was okay. tried tongue to finger and found it remarkably fun. Something made me think, possibly the already forming boner) that it would be a good idea to go one side to penis one side to tongue. knowing the properties of current over that space would be dangerous, tries going tip to bottom, then tip to stomach first. Anyway electro shock eventually became my first way into masturbation and to thi day i still maintain stollen accounts to sites like fucking machines and the other kink(.)com sites.
When i hear people discuss "its a way of life" i cant help but feel like "you dont know what a way of life is."