Sex and work

I am a kindergarden teacher.
This summer i came out from the staffroom into the space, where the all the kids wardrobes are. Here i meet a mother, comming to collect her son. Shes a single mother i her mid 20s. middle hight, shorthaired, tanned and very fat. this day she wore see-through leggins and a loose tshirt.
As soon as she sees me, she bends over to pick up some stuff.
the leggins tighten, tshirt creeps up her back and before me i see the biggest ass ever. i can clearly see the trampstamp on her lower back and black thong, squeezed in between her huge asscheeks.
baffled i let out a sound, kinda like a low moan, as if all air just left my lungs. She notices this.
"You like, what you are seeing?" she asks me.
I am speechless.
"Well if you like it," she says, "you can grab it."
My mind is about to explode as my hand grabs her big ass. i grab it harder, then i intended, cause she squeaks and then laughts with a flirty tone. Theres no one around us, apart for her son. she then turns to me.
"well then. i liked that."
days later i still fell so weird about all of this. i find her number in our database and call her up. Turns out that she was ready. she wanted to meet me at a neutural place. So we agree on a cafee. We drink coffee and talk it out. When we are done, she drops the bomb.
"lets do this again."
And we did.
At some point we stay out late, and she asks if she could stay at my place. Her son was with his father anyway.
So she stays. before i know it, shes taking of her cloths. i do the same. That night we had sex. hot sweaty slampig sex. she was giving me all of her. her thighs are soft pillows of flesh. i bury my face in her breasts, smack her hands og listen to her screem my name, like shes worsipping me. It was fantastic.
We are stil seeing each other. but i am thinking of stopping. Its so hard seeing her when she picks up her son. its hard to navigate my feeling towards my job and her.