Reluctant but eager participant

After my best friend Louise began dating Adam over a year ago she started telling me about his fetishes. Adam is 44, Louise is 28 and I couldn’t believe some of the crazy things she began telling me about. She said he liked being dominated, humiliated, sodomized and punished by her. About 7 months ago she invited me to witness it and that although Adam would know another woman was there not to let him know it was me. She said he would be blindfolded but he requested this to be further humiliated. I thought she was joking however she clearly was not. The first time was a Friday night and when we went down to their basement Adam was blindfolded and naked. Louise told me not to talk and not to let him know who I was and that’s when I saw another friend Hanna standing in the corner. We both laughed when we saw each other but otherwise never said anything. Heavily blindfolded, Adam was tied down on the table with his legs spread apart completely exposing his genitals. A cord was tied around his testicles and penis and a purple dildo was inserted in his anus.
That was only the beginning of the most horrific treatment of a guy I have ever seen and a few weeks later, began participating in once a week since that night. Louise first informed Adam that there would be a total of 12 different women there, two or three each week. That was an obvious lie since the only women ever there are myself, Hanna and 5 months ago Connie began coming. Each week Louise made up names for us like Martha, Barbara etc., none of which have ever been there. Adam is always blindfolded from start to finish and Hanna, Connie and I are the only women. Louise did this to make Adam think he was being humiliated in front of many women. For some reason it supposedly aroused and excited him knowing multiple women were humiliating and abusing him. Louise encouraged us to only make sounds like laughter or single words like bend, kneel, turn etc. so as not to reveal our identities. She didn’t want him to recognize our voices. I only watched the first month but then began abusing Adam the ways Louise did. Adam has been exposed and abused in the most indignant ways I have ever seen a man. I suspect my two abusive relationships has caused me to enjoy the revenge of it. That is, being satisfied by my cruelty towards Adam for my past abuse of past abuse of me. I’m now just as cruel to Adam as Louise pretends to be.
Adam is displayed and posed naked in the most humiliating positions humanly possible. His genitals and anal area are the main feature tied with rubber straps and continual rectal penetration. A lubricant is used, usually KY, but the size of the dildos used are huge at times and obviously cause him discomfort and pain. We intentionally stimulate him and cause him to become aroused but don’t allow him to ejaculate. Many times he begs Louise to allow him to cum but it is always denied until the end of the night. He is also subjected to butt plugs and a vibrator penetrating him by each of us. At times Louise asks if he wants us to stop but he always wants us to continue. The spankings are more like beatings where paddles, straps and a switch are used turning his butt checks black and blue. Louise has a large spatula that we use to smack his penis mostly after he obtains an erection. It would usually cause his erection to go limp after awhile and then we would stimulate him again only to have another erection. I have no idea how any man could put up with the things we do to this guy yet he keeps wanting more of it. At the end of the night is when Louise allows Adam to masturbate and he finally is able to ejaculate. The amount of semen that comes out of him is amazing. Its like double of any guy I have ever seen cum.
I do see Adam and talk to him at a pub we frequent and suspect he knows I am one of the women doing this to him. He has asked me several times if I come to their house but I always deny it as per Louise. If I didn’t know what went on in his basement every week I would think he is a regular guy. It escapes me why anybody would want to be treated the way he is. It is tantamount to torture what is done to him each week and I just don’t get it. I have a hard time understanding why I keep doing this stuff to him. I know I mentioned two relationships where I was mistreated by the guys but what I have been doing to Adam is much worse. True I was slapped around and subjected to rough sex but the ways we torment Adam is far more violent then what I ever went through. Some nights when I go there his ass is still bruised from the week before and yet he submits to the same abuse each time. I might be able to understand the humiliation part of his fetish but don’t know how he can withstand the abuse dealt on him. I am convinced he thinks there are many more women than us three girls doing these things to him. He’s a sick guy but Louise, Hanna, Connie and I openly enjoy tormenting him. I am there every week with either Hanna or Connie but recently Louise has been having all three of us there the same night. I know Adam has met Connie at the pub but he has never met Hanna who works with Louise. She and Louise are the only ones who talk to Adam as this stuff is going on. Connie and I only say single words but are hands on as we abuse Adam. He never once ever told any of us to stop doing anything to him. He just excepts whatever is done to him and always wants more. Strange man. I don’t know about Hanna and Connie but for me its like revenge for past experiences with guys.