Reel Sex
I had gotten bored with meeting escorts at motels for sex and wanted to get more daring and kinky. The agency I used often had a new girl named Kathy and I asked if she would meet me near the movie theater at the local mall.
I asked her to wear heels, a short skirt, and a button down blouse. When we met, I handed her a bag with a movie ticket and a pair of black thigh highs. I asked her to put them on and take off her bra and panties. I got us drinks and met her at the theater door. When we went in I told her to head for two seats in the back in a very dark area. I followed her, enjoying the view.
We sat down and she thanked me for the thigh highs, rubbing her legs and telling me how good they felt. The lights went off and I handed her the money. She said "Do whatever you want."
I unbuttoned her blouse and played with her tits while my other hand went up her skirt and I slid a finger inside her. She was already wet. She stuck her tongue in my mouth as I fingered her and felt her up. About 20 rows down were the only other four people, totally clueless.
I pulled my cock out and she deep throated it. After a few minutes I spread her legs and went down on her. She nudged my head with her knee and whispered someone was coming. It was an usher. I crawled about three seats away from her, pulled my keys out and said "I found them". The usher left and I went back to eating her out.
She straddled me as she faced the screen, away from me, and started to slowly ride me. I fucked her hard and was getting ready to cum so I suggested we finish in the bathroom.
She went in first to make sure it was empty and I bent her over in a stall and fucked her brains out until I creampied her. I gave her extra for bareback and it was worth it.
She cleaned up and I watched her strut her stuff through the mall as she left. Never did see that movie.