Realizing I really do have a small penis!

Hi im a 22 yr old male and wanted to tell people that I have a small penis ,so others that are feeling humiliated know there not alone. It started for me when I was 11. I was staying the weekend at a friends house. He had a sister that was a little older than us. She was 14. She had some friends over too, 2 more girls her age… We had all been swimming for a few hours and I decided I was done. I was going to take a shower, I walked in the basement to the bathroom down there, it only has a curtain for a door. I got undressed and started adjusting the water temp. The next thing I know Corey’s sister had open the curtain and was standing in the entrance with her hand covering her mouth laughing at me naked. My penis was a little shriveled up from being in the pool so long,and was completely soft it was about a inch long and sitting on top of my balls. I covered up real quick and hoped in the shower. That wasn’t the end of it. She had told her two friends what she had seen and after Corey went to sleep that night and I was trying to sleep on the couch all 3 of them come in there and first just started a normal conversation. Then ask if I would show them my penis. I told them no cause I was shy anyway… When we went back to school Monday they had told what felt like everyone there that I had a tiny penis. Everyone made fun of me. At that point in my life I still though my size was normal. When I was erect I was about 3 inches and about the same size around as lipstick. Anyway 2 weeks later Corey’s sister apologized for "starting rumors" and we started texting she ask if I would go on a date with her so I did. We went out then later that evening went back to her house and her parent’s weren’t home. She wanted me to stay the night so I made up a story for my parents and stayes with her. Later on that night she said she sleeps nude and ask if I would too. She finally talked me into cause she was a very pretty girl and I thought it meant I was actually going to have sex for the first time. Wel lay there and nothing happened… I finally got tired and feel asleep. Woke up the next morning,nothing seemed to have changed. Pit my clothes on. We talked a min. I went home. I found out later she had taking pictures of me while I was asleep naked, face and all. Another girl I talked to sent me one of the pics and asked if it wqs really me of course I denied it. But that’s where it all started. All the way until I was about 20 I thought I had a average size penis. The one girl I had sex with before 20 was a virgin so she never said anything about the size. t 20 I got my first real gf the first time she seen my dick she laughed a little but we had sex anyway. After about 3 times. She asked me to do anal,I did and she actually seemed to enjoy it. I always thought a girls ads was suppose to be a lot tighter than anything else but when she set o. It,it went right in. After that she never would let me do anything but anal with her. When I ask why she told me she could feel it a whole lot better. She broke up with me after another month of that. The last girl I had sex with is the one that made me realize I was much smaller than most people. Met her at a party took her home got ready to fuck her and when she pulled my pants off my dick was already hard and she looked confused at first when she first seen it. Then she started laughing. I got mad ask her what the problen was. She thrn told me I had the smallest dick she had ever seen. We argued back and fourth for a few mins then she called for one of her friends to come in there. Mind you this is the 3rd or 4th time in my life a girl wantes to show my dick to someone else. So that got me thinking in its self. Then her friend also told me it was tiny. She got her by who was a 23 yr old football player to stand beside me and compare his dick to mine. I was ok with it cause I this point I really wanted to know if it really was small!they both comoared them and laughed as his was about 6 inches longer than mine and a lot bigger around and his was soft mine was still half hard. So I realized at that point that I coukd be really small down there. The following night my little cousin stayed with us.. He was 10 At the time. Late that night after we finished playing Xbox he went to get in the shower and I came in on him while he was naked and I seen his penis. He was half my age and At least 5 in long soft. That sealed the deal and I have been trying to come to terms with having a tiny dick ever since. When I measured it and started to compare it to some common items the other day it measured 1in soft and 31/4 hard as a rock! Thanks for listening to what i have been thru having a small dick feel better getting it off my chest and hope it nakes someone else feel better too!