Ratchet Sexy

Ratchet woke up in a dark room with his hands and feet tied on a table. He faced the ceiling knowing he had just been kidnapped. He didn’t know what was going to happen. All he knew was that he was in a empty room with his orange suit on. Then someone opened the door and came in. It was Courtney gears. She closed the door and stood in front of the table looking at ratchet. She was wearing her same suit, but without the skirt so her butt and middle area are more visible in the suit. "Why did you kidnap me?" Asked ratchet. "Oh ratchet, you really are cute when you question" She said. "Are you flirting with me?" He asked. Courtney didn’t answer, but she went to Another table and took a bottle of an unknown liquid and drank it. She gulped and then just stood in front of the table Rachel was on. "Ohh…..oh…" She moaned. Slight bubbly sounds could be heard from her stomach and she rubbed her belly. "Oh…….oh…." Then she got up on the table ratchet was on and spread her legs across his. Ratchet made a nervous face. Then Courtney rubbed her crotch. Her penis was starting to erect and she kneeled lower to ratchet. "You know I’ve been watching you ratchet…the way that penis of yours sticks out in your suit when you stretch it jus right…god…that is so hot. Her penis was now hard and she put it on top of ratchets catch area. "Is this really happening?" He said. "Yes. Oh and I’ve been told that this increases pleasure." She rubbed her dick on ratchets penis area. Then ratchets penis began to erect. He couldn’t help it. Courtney gears was too sexy. Then Courtney looks at the rising dick and puts her hand on top of the orange lump. She rubs it and it grows larger. Ratchets penis stretched in his suit that he feels so much pleasure. It stretches so much that it’s rock hard. Then Courtney, tears through the crotch area and ratchets penis comes out fully visible. It was ten inches long and was still going. "Wow, we Lombaxes sure can expand a lot" ratchet said. Courtney grabbed the growing dick and masturbated it. It felt so good to her, then ratchet began to feel his cum push. His penis pleasure increased more and more until it was 30 inches big and then…boom…out came a long stream of cum. The cum went all over Courtney and she masturbated her own penis, then her penis began to cum too. She and ratchets penis cumed until the whole floor was a puddle of stick white cum. Ratchets penis didn’t stop cumming. It rose the cum above Courtney’s legs, penis, belly, and breasts and finally all the way to the roof. The room exploded with cum and ratchet looked t his penis and said "worth it"