Poison Ivy

“So his fate was sealed” Poison Ivy said “with a kiss, and so is yours” she said to a tied up Batman. Then she kisses him and he tries to spit it out. “Oh what’s a matter? Afraid I have cooties. I do you know. Look.” She points to her crotch and her penis began to erect in her green suit. She moaned at her slow raising lump and rubbed it in pleasure. Her dick was stretching and growing harder and harder. It was 4 inches out in her suit, then it slowly grew to 5. She rubbed it on Batman’s face and he was disgusted. Then she continued to rub the still growing dick. It pressed hard against her suit. When it was seven inches, the penis popped out to reveal a light green member staring at Batman. Ivy moaned and her dick still continued to erect. It grew to 8 inches and then he forced Batman’s mouth open and put her penis in his mouth. She went in and out of his mouth slowly. He dicks width was growing in his mouth to. She started to pick up the pace and moaned louder. Then the cum could be heard moving up in her penis and climaxed out into Batman’s mouth. She released and her penis let out more cum. When it was done, it was still the same size. She just stared at her nine inch dick. Then she went on her knees and rubbed her penis and it started to grow faster than before. It was 10 then 11 then 12. It was growing and growing and growing and then she climaxed so much cum that she felt satisfied to let Batman go.