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Taboo first blowjob
I had very recently learned about masturbation and was jacking off multiple times daily. I think most guys go though the phase where anything slightly sexual gets us hard. We were having a family part…
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I REALLY love her Pastor’s wife
Several years ago i had the very good fortune to be in a relationship with a beautiful woman who had a good relationship with her pastor. OH!! and his wife!!(can you see my devious smile?) I was not in on the conversation but from what my beauty told me; she and pastor’s wife got into …
Strap ON!!!?!?!?!
Take the sexiest woman in the world then multiply the sexiness by 5 and that is her. Baaaad as hell is all I can say to describe this sister. She is all that you want body loddy-doddy face straight off of some artist’s canvas She is sexually powerful and loves to be in charge. She …
Cheese has slid off her cracker
This is a message I received with from someone I work with… I guess she got mad because I did not speak to her enough.. Excuse me I forgot to kiss your ass. See this crazy ass email below. Greetings Since you have been working here I have noticed the ups and downs in out …
Kissin’ Cousins
I used to deal with this chick who was mad sexy rocking the natural hair before it is now all cool to do. She was truly sexy as hell!! One day we were gettin’ it in at her house but for some reason i was having a HARD time bustin’ a nut. Well…. I noticed …