One night in Rio

I went to interview a lawyer for a case that we were going to have to defend in Brazil. After the meeting I was back at the hotel and things were boring so I went down to the bar. I asked the bar tender if there was somewhere I could go to find some action. I was up front and told him I wanted a place where I could hook up with a man, I wasn’t interested in pretty boys or paying. He suggested a pizza parlor, several blocks away, he told me he had heard that men went there and he left it at that.
I walked the six blocks and found the pizza place, it was dark inside and took a few minutes to adjust to the light. A huge oversized naked nude of a man with his cock at eye level met me as I entered the room. There were a few men there but not many. I ordered a beer and took a seat at the bar. Around eleven that night it got busier and a man sat beside me, he spoke English and he struck up a conversation.
Like me he was a lawyer, he had lived in London and so had I and soon we moved to a small booth for two and kept on our conversation, ordered a small pizza and we played with our hands. He suggested that we leave to find a better place, I suggested my hotel but he turned it down, too busy and too many people might know him, so we went to this apartment he kept for just this thing.
He was a strong willed man and I got it right out and played to him and let him take the lead. He was very fit and dark and heavy hair on his chest. His cock was large, I’ve seen a few, and I gave him my best impression of a cocksucker until we moved to the bed. This night I was going home with an ass full of cum. He didn’t pull any punches, he was rough and let me know it from the start.
But the fucking was good, hard and rough and he was the man on top. I liked it, usually I like to be on top but that night I was OK being on the bottom. I spent he rest of the night with him at this apartment and walked back to the hotel in the morning. My flight wasn’t until that night so I went out by the pool, flirted a little with the pool attendant, but I had had enough and wasn’t interested in a boy that afternoon.
I flew home still thinking of Joao and being his bitch that night. Sometimes being the bitch is good. That night it was.