Nudity not embarrassing

My best friend Hanna and I got a little crazy at 14. We snuck sips of vodka and beer or sometimes smoked weed when we could get it. We lived with our moms who were both divorced,both worked so we had plenty of time to ourselves. Hanna has a sister named Heather who had a boyfriend at the time named Aaron who I think was 23 or 24 when Heather was only 17 maybe 18. The first time Hanna and I met Aaron was a rainy day when Heather was supposed to be keeping and eye on Hanna. She took us to his apartment and telling us before hand that he most of the time don’t have any clothes on, at which we only laughed. Heather had a key to his apartment and when we went in he was sound asleep. His sofa has one of those long lounges on one side and that’s where he was laying down naked. Heather put a cover over him but we had already seen his penis and balls. When she finally got him to wake up all he asked is who we were and we could tell right away he was drunk. I think Hanna and me were 15 then but anyhow Heather let us both have a beer. We were at the kitchen table when Aaron walked in, went to the fridge and got a beer and stood there talking to us. Hanna and I were speechless because this guy was still naked. He just didn’t care that we were looking at him. He was and still is a real cute guy and has a nice body. What was odd is Hanna didn’t care either that he was nude the entire time we were there that day. This went in for nearly 2 years.
Aaron worked Monday thru Friday so we were at his apartment maybe one night during the week but were always there on weekends mainly Saturdays. It was rare if he had any clothes on. What was crazy to was Heather and him went in the bedroom a lot of those times and we knew they were having sex. Heather always came out dressed but Aaron never did and was always naked. It was not a big deal to him but I have to admit Hanna and me liked seeing him nude. He would sit up on the lounge section and just the way he propped up his legs we could clearly see his penis and testicles, sometimes even seeing his ass hole. He just didn’t care. As he talked to us he would arrange his balls or touch his penis sometimes getting an erection or half an erection. His penis wasn’t that big when it was soft and probably only a couple inches big. When we saw his boner it was a lot bigger and probably about 6 inches. I don’t remember Hanna ever telling him to put clothes on or at least cover himself, she didn’t care either. Her friend Lorrie was there sometimes and my cousin Audrey also saw him naked many times over those years. He never masturbated in front of us but after about 7 or 8 months he began to coax Heather to jerk him off. When she finally started doing it in front of us it went on almost every Saturday. She always put a towel under his ass and put lotion in her hand and rub it on his penis. When Aaron ejaculated Hanna and I were amazed how much semen came out of him.Even Audrey watched Heather jerk him off sometimes.
Hanna and I talked about Aaron all the time and could never figure why he wasn’t embarrassed in front of us. One time Hanna asked him if her ever gets dressed and all he said was when he goes out. Anyhow when I was a senior in high school Aaron"s Job moved him to Boston. Heather went with him and they were gone for 4 years. They are married now and moved back here last September and have a son who just turned 2. Hanna is still my best friend and I see Heather and Aaron a couple times a month.Some time ago Hanna and I were at their house and we began talking about those times at his apartment. I started the conversation by asking Aaron if he was ever embarrassed being naked around us girls. He just said no but did admit he got a thrill out of it. I even asked if he was an exhibitionist and he said not really. He then went on to say that he is most comfortable when he is naked but said he don’t go around like that anymore. He did say he sleeps naked all the time but always has something on around the house. I reminded him also of the times he would fall asleep or pass out on that lounge laying there naked for hours. I reminded him of sometimes Audrey or Lorrie being there and he only said there were more girls than that who saw him naked. Then he went into saying he never felt being embarrassed about his body and enjoyed exposing himself. I even asked Heather about jerking him off so many times in front of us. She admitted she was so in love with Aaron she didn’t care if he wanted to be naked and didn’t mind jerking him off. I can still picture Aaron nude but that was the last time we talked about it and I still see both of them often. For Hanna and I our main reason to go to Aaron’s apartment was so we could get beer, weed and cigarettes. Well to be truthful I have to say Aaron’s nudity was a good reason. Hanna and I still today talk about seeing Heather jerk him off and how the way Aaron reacted when he would cum. We could even see the Way Heather liked doing it because she always had a smile on her face. She would hold his testicles and jerk him real slow at first kinda teasing him and it was easy to see she enjoyed doing it. When He ejaculated she always cleaned him up afterwards with a wet cloth and a towel. You’d think Aaron would be embarrassed about those times but I can tell by looking at him it don’t bother him in the least. His birthday is the end of this month and he will be 29. He really is a good looking guy and I can tell Heather and him love each other. It sure was funny back then and I do think Heather regrets it even though she won’t admit it.