My ex’s best friend

I was dating a girl for just over a year when I found out she was having sex with a mutual friend of ours. He actually told me they were and she had told him we weren’t dating. I went out to the bar that weekend with my friends. I happened to see her best friend Blair. I had always kind of had a thing for Blair and felt she did for me. I bought her a drink and she asked where E was at tonight. I explained I knew she was cheating and figured out with him. Blair asked me to dance and talk more. We ended up getting pretty close while dancing. At the end of the night Blair asked if I wanted to go to her place and talk. I agreed and we went to her place. We did little talking and a lot more having sex. Blair apperently had a thing for me and really hated her friend. She let me do anal with her the one thing E wouldn’t ever do with me. Blair told me to take pictures and I did. I broke it off with E the next day which didn’t seem to bother her until I told her I knew she was cheating and then showed her my pictures. I haven’t spoken tone since but Blair and I are now dating.