Men’s Room situation

Worked with a sistah – well… i have worked with a few but this one shall never be forgotten.
She had a physique that was killer and she dressed to show it. I mean she was sexy not slutty but it would not have mattered what she had on, she was quite magnificent. She was dark with classic ‘black is beautiful’ looks from the high cheek bones, fullest lips and almond eyes.
She was quite fukkn’ fiiiiiiiine and she walked by me all day turning my head, distracting me from working and making me quite HAPPY with her presence.
One day she had on this white skirt and some other stuff but the skirt for some reason really grabbed at me. So, I sent her an IM "you look very nice today. I really dig that white skirt of yours."
The message was real and quite genuine but something I would have never in the past sent to a coworker. See, I used to be a sexual harassment teacher in the military and I knew better.
Anyway, I could read the smile in her response as well I was able to see her smiling at her desk a lovely smile a demure "thank you" I read on my monitor.
The messages back and forth continued in a friendlyflirty way. We attended a departmental bowling event a few days later had some fun, and decided to take it to them streets. Our conversations now moved to phone,emails and stayed on IM at work.
I work weekends for our company and one day I came in and she was there working for someone who had requested time off for that day. IMs got started and were hotter than normal because she had on them Jeans! You know them jeans that all sistahs have in their closet that fit and hit all the curves and make tha dick hard! Yeah those JEANS that make you appreciate them GENES!
Well the sight made my dick so hard so damned fast. I had to stroll to the bathroom – no joke.
After finally calming down and feeling i could head back to my desk the bathroom door swung opened and those jeans walked in. YO! I wish I could say this always happens to me where some sexy hot thang ends up alone with me in the men’s room of a fortune 100 company but this was the first time and so far only time it has happened to ‘The Kid’
I truly was not able to hide my shock and surprise at her sudden entrance which i thought would take away madd cool points but she loved my reaction that she confessed made her feel real good this seemed to be a real once in a lifetime experience she was about to give this older dude.
We got into things! She felt, smelled and tasted wonderful. She was strong limber and eager to please.
She was a human sex toy and pleasure was mutually shared back and forth in that bathroom whose door did not have a lock.
She bent over, grabbed her ankles and said "put tha dick in deep!"and she was not quiet about it~
She sat up on the sink counter and I licked her fat pussy furiously stood up licked my lips she spread legs,grabbed her ankles and I smacked her clit with the swollen tip of my dick and went balls deep in that pink pussy I will never forget the site of how pink her pussy was contrasted with her dark beautiful skin! She came a couple of times – again not quietly.
When i announced i was about to bust she hit her knees and sucked me off!
I was not done because my dick stays hard after I bust which made her happy because she wanted to feel me in her ass where she invited me to shoot as much cum into her as I had left which I did and not too quietly either!
At that point shiiiiiit fire my ass I did not care!
Our ‘friends with benefits’ thing continued for about a year until she moved to the west coast. I kept my job, the friendship and this memory hopefully for many many years.
no condom?
So you was getting in the bathroom at work?? That’s some freaky shit right there..