
This happened last weekend. I booked a late evening massage at an Asian massage parlor not far down the road from me. I have been there 5 times prior and have always gotten a really good massage there. I usually book early morning or mid day massage but had to work late that night. I walked in about 10 minutes prior to my start time. I met a younger Asian lady at the counter. She had on a t-shirt and denim shorts. I paid in advance for my massage which was normal coming here. She asked if I needed to use the bathroom first and I said yes. She motioned me to the hallway and showed me which room I would come to once done. She then reached over and patted me on the ass. This was new and had not happened before. I thought it was odd but didn't dwell on it. Went and used the bathroom and then went to my room. The rooms only had a sheer curtain hanging in the doorway. The lady came by and told me to get completely naked and lay on the massage bed. She let the curtain fall down and left. I was just pulling down my boxers when she popped her head in and asked if I was ready. I said not quite yet and didn't bother covering up. She starred at my cock for a minute and then said she would be back in a minute. I then got on the bed and covered up with the small towel. The towels only covered a small portion of my ass. She came in a minute later and asked what I would like her to work on tonight and said back and legs. She said okay. The massage on my back was really great and she even walked on my back. Once she got to my legs she started at my feet and made her way up. When she got to about mid thigh she pulled off the towel and asked if that was okay and I said yes. The other girls had done this too and it felt pretty normal at this point. She started to massage my ass and then ran her fingers down the back of my legs. She started making her way further down my legs towards the insides of my thighs. She asked again if that was okay and I said yes. She kept in this area for a bit and it felt good so I wasn't complaining. She pulled at my leg and had me spread out a bit more. She then started to rub me again. She slowly made long strokes along my legs and circled up along my inner thighs and got very close to my balls. She then ran her finger nails lightly along the insides of my legs. She asked how everything was feeling and I said great. I had my hands hanging down at my sides and felt her leg pressed against me. She had very soft legs and i reached out and gently stroked her leg. She continued to run her fingernails lightly along the inside of my thighs. She then started to rub in small circles and started to hit my balls with the back of her hand. She did this for a minute or two and then asked me to flip over. She grabbed the small towel again and held it up and told me to turn over away from her. I did as instructed and laid down on my back. I was rock hard from all the teasing she was doing to me. She drapped the towel over me and it just pointed straight up from my boner. She smiled at me and walked up to my head. She started to massage my neck and face lightly. She worked her way down to my chest and had me put my hand flat on the table. She leaned over me and massaged from the opposite side of my chest towards her. It felt super good. I could feel her pressed against my hand and moved my hand slightly. She seemed to not mind that at all. She then grabbed my hand and started to massage my arms. She did a really good job massaging my arms and made her way to my feet. She massaged my feet really good and made her way up my legs. She did the sides of my thighs and pulled the towel into a circle on me only covering my cock. She massaged and ran her fingernails lightly around my waist area. She then told me I had about 10 minutes left and stepped over to the counter. She came back with a small bottle of oil and pointed at the towel. I was not sure what she wanting me to do. She grabbed the towel and asked if it was okay. I was a bit nervous as I had never done anything like this and wasn't sure what she was wanting me to do. I said yes it was okay to her. She slowly lifted the towel exposing my hard cock to her. She smiled at me and said this okay. I said yes it was and she pointed to my cock and then to me. I asked what she meant. She said you do it and shook the little oil bottle for me. I got the hint and said okay. She poured some oil on my stomach for me. She then started to massage my legs again and worked in between my thighs and circled next to my balls lightly hitting them with the back of her hand. She stopped rubbing me again and pointed at me and said you do it again and made a jerking motion to me. I took some oil on my hand and started to rub my cock. She went back to rubbing by my balls again. I asked if she could do it and she said no I had to. I asked about extras and she said no. I asked about tipping and she said how much. I said 100 and she said no touch and I pointed to her top. She laughed and blushed and I said 100 and you take off your top and bra. She kept rubbing and said okay. She pulled off her shirt and bra and came back and kept rubbing by my balls. She had some very nice small perky tits on her. She watched as I stroked myself while looking at her. I moved my hand up to her ass and started to squeeze. She laughed a little and said naughty to me but kept letting me touch her. I asked again for extras and she pointed to my cock and said no touch. I asked if she could massage a little further up. She smiled and said maybe. I said another 50 and she smiled again. She moved her hand up to my balls and cradled them in her hand. She started to softly massage my balls and run her fingernails across them. I kept the same pace and pointed to my dick and asked how much tip. She said no touch so I figured that wasn't going to happen. I picked up the pace as I felt up her ass and starred at her tits. She kept massaging my balls lightly and apparently could tell I was getting close. She said getting tight you should relieve stress. I kept going and she moved around more and starred at my cock as I began to cum. The first shot was a thick one that went almost up to my neck. She giggled and smiled as she watched me empty my balls and she gently massaged them for me. Once I was done she took a warm wash cloth and cleaned me up. She asked if was relieved and I said yes. She handed me another wash cloth and got dressed. She stepped out. I got dressed too and met her at the counter. I handed her the 150 I had promised her.