Like it never happened

Peggy is 82 years old now and has no recollection, regret or feelings of how she treated me from 1990 until 1993. Over the last 26 years I have only seen and been around her occasionally, like at weddings and funerals. I brought up the abuse she inflicted on me as a kid at times but she is always forgetful about it. She is my mothers step-mother and when I was 11 I was forced to live with Peggy for slightly over 3 years. During that time I was abused by her in more ways than one. She was in her mid 50’s at the time and my mother left me with her and disappeared for 3 years with her hippie friends. My grandfather had died a year before and my mother was a mess with booze and drugs. Today both my mother and Peggy make it sound like it didn’t happen that way. Well I sure didn’t forget and to be straight forward things weren’t much better when my mother finally came back. Well at least I wasn’t abused then but my life was still no picnic.
Living with Peggy during those years was a living nightmare. It didn’t occur to me right away but she was a closet alcoholic with a mean streak. I was only 11 at the start of it but she regularly beat me bare ass with a metal yard stick. I do admit I was a bed wetter up until I was about 13 to close to 15 but it was something I couldn’t control at the time. She forced me to undress, strip the bed linens and march me to the washing machine to clean my pj’s, sheets and blanket. Then the spanking came where I was forced to bend over, still naked, and received a brutal whipping. She forced me to feel shame for my bed wetting in the presence of others. This woman had me petrified of her and over those years humiliated me in front of other people. Not only by telling them how I wet my bed sometimes but letting them see me naked and in some cases spanking me in front of other women friends she had. Depending on her level of intoxication she often forced me to pee at night before bed time, as she stood there watching me.
This went on until I was 13 and miraculously my mother showed up and I moved in with her and her boyfriend. I was no longer abused but more or less ignored up until I was 19 and able to move out on my own. I still wet my bed once in a while but had no fear of punishment. As many times as I told my mother about how Peggy humiliated and abused me I doubt she ever believed me. As far as Peggy goes she has no memory of being such a bitch. I’ve been married for 11 years and have 2 kids and intentionally avoid contact with my mother and Peggy. My wife has a hard time believing the things I have told her about those years but at least she knows I am telling the truth about it. Even though I have confronted my mother and Peggy about it at times my wife is the only one I have ever told details to. I was ashamed of my bed wetting but always to embarrassed to admit it to anyone. Peggy made sure all her friends knew about it and I believe intentionally humiliated me. Its a long time ago now but I clearly remember her spanking me in front of at least 3 other women 1 man friend she had. She had to know how embarrassing it was for me to be naked in front of them but didn’t care about my feelings.