
I had known Katie since high school. She was 5 years below me and we had only spoken a handful of times. It was around 10 years later when I ran into her at my local gym. She had really grown into her body and looked fantastic. We caught up quick, she was dating as was I and life was great for both of us. I ran into her a couple more times at the gym. She told me I looked fantastic and maybe she could train with me sometime. I told her I was absolutely down. She messaged me on Facebook and we met up to lift together a couple times. The first time was really normal lots of questions and wanting to learn. The second time I was more hands on with her and touched her body to show her the movements. She responded well to my touches and she touched me back. It turned into some flirting at the gym and then she asked me to hang out with her sometime. She knew where I lived from our conversations and suggested a bar right down the road from me. We had walked there from my place and had a lot of fun. We ended up drinking a lot and walked back to my place. That was the first time we hooked up. We were both drunk but it was the best damn sex I ever had. Katie was petite, jet black hair, green eyes and very sexy. We started hooking up on a regular basis for a while. We had sex about 12 times in a span of a month. We didn't use protection but I always pulled out and came on her, per her request. The sex was so amazing but we eventually decided to go back to being just friends to salvage our relationships. We married our significant others and life went on. We didn't really talk for about 8 years. I got divorced and was single. She was having issues in her relationship. She reached out to me first. It was very random just the hey you. I was surprised to hear from her but figured she wanted to hook up starting off like that. We talked for a bit and she asked to meet up and talk. We met for coffee at her favorite place. She laid out that she caught her husband cheating on her and had filed for divorce. The conversation shifted when she brought up she hasnt had fun in a while. She brought up our past of us hooking up and said what great times those were. I eventually asked her over to my place to hang out. She said she would have to get back to me. The next day she said her ex was watching their son and she could meet me where ever. She drove out to my place and suggested we hang out and watch a movie. She had shown up wearing a cute summer dress. We only watched the movie for a few moments before we started to make out and I carried her to the bedroom. She had gotten into even better shape if that's possible. We ended up having sex for over 2 hours and she told me I could cum inside of her. The sex was still the best I had ever had. We ended up back on the couch for a short time before she said she needed to leave. I walked her to the door and we kissed again. I ran my hand up under her dress and fingered her. We ended up back in the bedroom again and she told me we had to hurry as she needed to leave. I bent her over the bed and lifted her skirt and dropped her cum soaked panties. I railed her from behind and came in about 5 minutes inside of her again. I pulled up her panties and walked her to the door. We kissed again. She said she wanted me to cum inside of her years back but she wasn't on birth control. I told her I had always wanted to cum inside of her too and it felt fantastic. We kissed and she she left. We texted back and forth and found time to meet up a couple more times at my place for sex. We worked out together at the gym a couple times and had sex in the car after. We started meet up almost everyday to have sex for a while. Then there was a short period where we didn't meet up for about a week. She then asked if she could come over the next day. I told her sure and she wanted to come over before I was done with work. I left my place unlocked for her. When I got home I walked into the bedroom and she was completely naked and playing with herself. She had a vibrator and head back with her eyes closed. I just watched and enjoyed the show. She looked up and seen me and told me she wanted me to come fuck her. I told her I wanted to watch her cum first. She played with herself a while longer and then I watched her have an orgasm. It was super sexy to watch. I then joined her on the bed and we had sex 2 times. She told me she could spend the night which we hadn't done yet. I woke her up in the middle of the night to have sex again. We slept in until about 9, then we showered together and kissed. We ended up back in bed. We ended up having sex again and then fell back asleep. We woke up a short time later and she left. We kept meeting up for sex at my place, in my car or even in the bathroom at the gym. I happened to run into her out in public and she was walking hand and hand with her husband she said she was divorcing. She ended up coming over to my place that night and explained to me that they had decided to not get divorced and were working on things. She felt bad for not telling me so she gave me an amazing bj and swallowed my load. We sat and talked a while longer about what it meant for us hooking up. We decided this would be the last time we would hang out. We cuddled and watched a movie. We then had sex on my couch and she rode me reverse cowgirl. After I came inside of her she got dressed, we hugged and she left. We have gone back to just talking as friends but I feel we both want more.