Judy Hopps 1

Judy returned to her apartment at night after work. She decided to leave her suit on and lay on the bed. As she laid down, she sighed. She stretched her legs out on the bed and rested. Then she looked down at her suit. She rubbed her stomach a little. And then she put on hand below her belt and laid it on her crotch. She moaned very low as she slowly began to rub her crotch. She felt so good in her suit that she wanted to feel amazing. She looked and say there was a slight bump on her crotch. She saw it continue to erect more and more and she moaned a bit louder. She got on her knees and put herself in a sexy pose. She rubbed her hips as her crotch continued to erect. Then she began rubbing her butt and moaning. Her penis was 3 inches long in her suit and she continued to rub it faster and faster. It felt so good against her suit. She could feel her climax coming. And then as she rubbed it one last time. Her penis had several streams of cum go across the room from her suit and hit the floor. Her penis still continued to shoot streams as she moaned. Her penis grew 5 inches 6 inches 7 inches. And then she put her penis in her mouth and drank the cum ejecting from it. She could feel it filling her stomach up. Then she removed the penis from her mouth and let it shoot a stream of cum endlessly all over the room. She laid down on her bed as her penis started filling the room with cum. Then she fell asleep. He left penis continued to fill the room with cum until her bed was floating and then sinking. She swam in it and felt satisfied with her new suit.