I fucked my college cousib

One day i was going to visit my girl cousins college. This was a college where they let you visit. So i went into my cousins dorm. I couldnt find her. I needed to use the bathroom very bad. Little did i know thar the shower was on. I still used it anyway i thought nobody would mind. I took a dump as the 1st peice came out the shower stopped. My cousin came out the shower. I tried to cover my penis as much as i can. Then she took off her towel. It revealed her sweet big breasts. "Do you like them?" she said. I was just shocked to see them because i thought it was weird to see my own cousin naked. I tried to clean the poop from my butt *no homo*. She got a rope from her lasso class tied me up to the toilet i was all clean though. She then unbuckled my pants stood me up and threw me on her bed. Her hairy vagina was about to reach the top of my dicks head and i knew it. I was hard. I had to cum. I didnt know what i was doing. She just stood there wanting to please me at the time. P.S. i was 13 at this time now im 20 and she was 18. Her hairy vagina almost dick in my dicks head. I closed my eyes then heard a very loud orgasm! I could feel the jizz shooting up through my dick! She orgasmed so loud thar her roomate went to check on her! "What are you doing chelsea who is this? "Its my uhh cousin?" "Oh please he is just too sexy to be your cousin!" "come on join in!" so they both took turns getting analed plus my mom said i could sleep there because they were going on vaca for a few days. Later on in the night i shot cum into 12 vaginas and 17 buttholes. I was so erect i couldnt stop cumming! This is a real true story btw. The whole college girls near her got pregnant. Nobody knew who was the baby daddy. Except for my cousin of course… Everytime she comes to my house i hide in the closet she finds me puts a condom on my penis and makes me fuck her very tight and hairy vagina. I like to fuck her because one time i fucked her SOOOO HARD that she started bleeding in her tight butthole and my dick got stuck in there i literally couldnt pull it out! We had to get surgery.
*****This was a true story and in my country it is legal to have sex any age.*****
This was a true story and it is legal to have sex 5 or up in my country.