Humiliation and abuse

Today is my birthday and 25 years ago I was a 12 year old innocent little girl,lived in poverty in West Virginia and had 3 friends who lived in a farm house almost a 1/2 mile away. Ivy was almost 16 Amelia 14 and Gary was 8 months older than me. Ivy and Amelia were sisters but Gary"s mother was a friend of their moms who lived there along with their grandmother. Gary was the only male and aside from being devilish was rude to everyone except Ivy. He was actually afraid of her and she was much bigger and stronger. Their mom, grandmother and Gary’s mom all went to bingo on Tuesday nights and my mom drove, leaving me with Ivy. That’s the year my innocence disappeared. It started when Amelia found 6 pornographic video tapes in the back shed probably left by their father who abandoned them years earlier. They contained everything from straight sex to bondage and even homosexual porn. I think we were fascinated watching them. Then one night Ivy pants Gary and made him stay naked when none of the parents were there on a bingo night.
I don’t know how to categorize the way I felt or the way the other girls did. Each bingo night Ivy would force Gary to be naked in front of us and eventually made him masturbate in front of us. He was totally humiliated for months and I am sure his embarrassment subsided the first time Ivy jerked him off. By the time 6 or 7 months went by all 3 of us girls were not afraid to touch or masturbate him. It went on for over 2 years and today I still can’t understand how I so freely touched his penis and testicles the way I did along with Ivy and Amelia. This went on mostly twice a week and the things we did to him were things we watched in those porn videos. Ivy had total control of him and if he didn’t obey her she would beat him up or whip him. I know he got pleasure when we jerked him off but most of the time we subjected him to cruel and humiliating things. We took turns spanking him and having him exposed to us in the most embarrassing positions possible. We shaved his pubic hair several times and sometimes made him urinate while we watched him.
I knew what we were doing was awful and immoral but I just went along with them. For some reason I enjoyed touching and holing his penis and scrotum and liked feeling him getting erections. He wasn’t circumcised and we would watch as the head of his penis cleared his foreskin making us laugh. Ivy made him tell us when he was going to ejaculate and it was amazing at times how much semen came out of him. One night we watched a video where the guy was being penetrated anally with a dildo and Ivy was the first one doing it with a long candle. Gary hated it but we soon learned that if we were jerking him of at the same time he didn’t mind us doing that. That year was the first time I masturbated also but never did it in front of anyone, always when I went home. Ivy masturbated often, sometimes in front of Gary, but only put her hand down her pants or shorts to do it. Amelia masturbated in front of Ivy and me once in awhile but never when near Gary. None of us ever undressed when we did all this and aside from the things we did to Gary never had him touch us. When I was 15 I moved to Pennsylvania and in a short time lost touch with them. I did hear that Amelia got pregnant when she was 18 but that was the last time I heard from them. I never felt bad about what I did until I got older and today still don’t know why I participated so willingly. I think the ability Ivy had of dominating and controlling Gary had a lot to do with it. When we jerked him off we would use vaseline, hand lotion and even soap sometimes. Aside from candles we penetrated him anally with carrots, a round brush handle and a few times Ivy did it with a cold pickle or cucumber. We always used vaseline but I know sometimes he was in pain when we did that. I am ashamed of that now but at the time his body fascinated me. I still can’t believe how he put up with all the abuse and humiliation he endured.