Halloween outing
I went out for halloween this last weekend. I dressed up as captain america and went with a few friends. We went to a bar downtown that had a hallowen party going on. I ended up getting pretty drunk and dancing with a couple girls. It was almost bar close and i was dancing with the girls still, one was dressed in a slutty fairy costume and the other as a slutty cat. Theyasked me to take them home. I got us a cab and walked them inside. Neither one of them was super attractive but decent. We ended up making out and then having unprotected sex on their bed. I had had sex with both but the girl in the fairy costume passed out within 5 minutes so i juat had sex with the sexy cat. I ended up cumming insde her and then i left and got a cab. I never got either of their names or numbers. All in all it was a good experience
You should be ashamed – but then you hopefully have AIDS so ….