Funny but not

In a way this entire situation is comical at times. After my divorce I started renting two rooms in my house. One room is Anna for the last five years who is a 65 year old widow and the other room I rented to Kyle 3 years ago who is a 26 year old guy. I knew his parents well but they now live in Florida. Kyle is a nice respectful young guy but for his age is kind of a sissy. For a long time I thought he was gay because he never has had any female friends. I was well aware he had Psoriasis but never imagined how severe it was or how self conscious he was about it. Its been well over a year now that he started confiding in me telling me personal feelings and how serious the Psoriasis is. He was actually in tears one night telling me how it embarrassed him. He showed me areas that were infected which were mostly on his arm pits and shoulders. On that night he began telling me how bad it was in his groin area and around his genitals. When he asked me to look at it I was taken back but assume I said it was ok. With that Kyle stood up, unbuckled his pants and without letting me see his genitals showed me the area around his crotch and the crack of his buttocks.
I had never seen anything that bad before and insisted he let me take him to my doctor. He was prescribed OTC cream to be applied after he showered. He came home from work the next day and to my absolute amazement asked me to help him. I wasn’t sure what he meant by that but I went up to his room while he was in the shower. He came out with only a towel around him and I asked at that point what he wanted me to help him with. He just asked me to put this cream on him telling me how embarrassed he was. My first thought was I’m not his mother but this kid was going to expose himself to me. At first I told him he needed to do this himself but he said he can’t get it on properly by himself. The entire time he is telling me this I could see tears rolling down his cheeks. I felt so sorry for himI just told him to lay down and picked up the OTC cream he had. He laid back and opened the towel exposing his penis and scrotum to me. I never expected to se how sore it must have been for him and knew then this poor guy was really suffering from it. I’m 55 years old and never did anything like this for a guy before even my X-husband. I applied the cream touching his genital and all the up his butt crack. It was so humiliating to him he at one time was openly crying. I ended up doing this every night for almost a week. I could see an improvement and then he said he wasn’t bothering him much and he could do it himself.
I thought that was the end of it but a few weeks later he had another flair up of the Psoriasis again all in his groin and anal area. Again I applied it for him and its been going on ever since, every time he has a problem down there. It seems to subside but always comes back often worse than ever. Its gotten to where I doubt me seeing him naked embarrasses him anymore and now there are times when he get an erection when I touch him. He always apologizes but I believe now he actually likes me doing it and touching his genitals and anus. When he gets an erection it is at least 6" or more and I am only amused by it. I’ve told my sister and a few friends about this and they tell me he is using me and likes me touching his penis and scrotum. He might be but I have to admit I don’t mind seeing Kyle nude and honestly don’t mind touching his privates. He really does have a skin problem but I am starting to believe he does like having me pampering him. He has admitted to me that he first is not gay and also he has never had sex with a girl because of how the Psoriasis effects his crotch and groin.