Cruel and shameful family

There is not much I can remember before I was around 7 or 8 but up to 16 I lived with fear, abuse, constant harassment and embarrassment. My mom and I moved in with her sister Dianne and her 3rd husband Bret. Dianne had 3 kids by her first 2 husbands. Cynthia and Jonathan were older than me and Clarissa was a year younger. I’m 28 and the last time I saw my father I was 12 and only saw him once before, that I can remember. My mom, aunt Diane and Bret all worked and the rest of the time they either drank, smoked weed or messed with other drugs. Cynthia was the real bitch of the family and even Jonathan was afraid of her. Clarissa was Cynthia’s favorite and I am sure all 3 of them disliked me for some reason. All three of them were bigger than me including Clarissa who was over a year younger. They all hit me a lot and Jonathan beat me up pretty bad sometimes.
Privacy, I had none. The only place I had a little was in the first floor powder room where the lock on the door worked. We lived in a dysfunctional house with parents that didn’t give a damn about anything. Cynthia was mean to Jonathan and she would sometimes make him masturbate in front of Clarissa and her friend Amanda. Whenever me or Jonathan were in the shower Cynthia would always embarrass us by letting her sister or other girls watch us. As tough as Jonathan thought he was Cynthia intimidated him as much as she did me. I don’t know how many times I tried to tell my mom or my aunt the stuff Cynthia did to me but they didn’t believe me or didn’t want to hear about it. My mom spanked me a couple times Cynthia told her lies about things I did.
I was around 12 when she made me get undressed and just stand naked in front of her Clarissa and Amber. that was the first time she made me start playing with myself and getting an erection. That day they just laughed and I didn’t really jerk off that day. A few days later she made Jonathan get naked in front of me and Cynthia to show me how to jerk off. That’s when she made me do it and the first time I did cum from doing it. After that she made me do it about 3 or more 4 times a month up until I think I was 14. She always made me stand there naked in front of Clarissa, Amanda and over that time a few other girls she knew. It was never not humiliating and times I openly cried doing it. Then I got smart and got involved in school programs where I would come home during the week until after 6 pm when my mom and her mom were there. In the summer I applied for and got to go to the summer camp and when I was 16 ran away. I went to Macon and got a job at Burger King telling them I was 18. I stayed in a shelter for almost 4 months and ended up sharing an apartment with a guy who worked with me. I never finished high school but after I got my license learned how to drive a 16 wheeler and that’s what I’ve done for the last 9 years. My mom died 5 years ago and that’s the last time I saw any of them. The only one I actually talked to was Bret and the rest of them I just didn’t bother with. They are all a bunch of losers even now.