#Condoms Don’t Disappear
So I am a cheater. I cheated on my boyfried this past week with some random dude that was visiting from out of town. So after we had sex, we could not find the condom, I had no idea where it went, I searched and searched no condom. So the random dude left and that was that. So about a day later my boyfriend came over and he went down on me.. and there was the condom, I was mortified as he pulled it out of my vagina.. We don’t use condoms, so I could’nt lie and say that it came from when we were doing it. He won’t let me live this down. I know its over, however it’s nothing I can do. Does anyone have any advice on what I can do? I really want to keep the relationship.
You gotta let him hit someone else of course get even Stevens then you are on a firmer footing for working it out 🙂
Yeah I have some advice take your lying, cheating, trifling ass on some where and grow the hell up! He is a fool for staying with you if he does. But if he does you need to do everything thing in your power to let him know he is all the man you need. If you can’t be faithful justleave him. Why you holding on to a situation that’s no good?