Cheese has slid off her cracker

This is a message I received with from someone I work with… I guess she got mad because I did not speak to her enough.. Excuse me I forgot to kiss your ass. See this crazy ass email below.
Since you have been working here I have noticed the ups and downs in out work relationship. I really dont understand them, and I really dont’t care to. You speak and then you stop. You make your comments etc. You cannot chose when you talk to me. Especially when I did not do anything to you, but laugh maybe. We are here for work not friendships.
I see you. I see EVERYTHING. I do not intend to be harsh, but you have become really annoying to me. You have stopped speaking again. I want it to stay that way. The reason that I am saying this to you because I know who I am. I am the type of person that has to speak my mind and let people know the way that I feel. So,please for your benefit and mine if you ever feel that I you need to say anything to me again, please dont. I have never dealt with any one like you, and I dont care to. I still have some work that I need to do with myself I dont handle this type of stuff well. No hard feeling. I wish the best.
Please speak to your co workers on a regular basis or you will get a message like this..
This was your red flag. If something pops off, it will be your own fault.
Bish is KRAY KRAY!
What Da!?!?! Did you show your bosses? This person is crazay!