Archive for the ‘Sex’ Category

Naked teacher
So basically my school did swimming once every week and I was just about to get on the bus but I remembered I forgot my Apple Watch so I sprint back into the changing rooms cause I’m about to miss my bus and I notice that my male teacher is in just a towel looking …

Fb’s birthday
My wife and I had a fb a few years ago, he’s a coworker and friend and it’s his birthday today which brought back memories of a past birthday. I was off but had to stop at work, my wife was with me and we saw Rob walking across the parking lot. We stopped to …

Girl from the gym
I’ve known lacey almost my entire life. I went to school with her and we talked occasionally. We lost connection between us after graduating though. I just ran into her at the gym this last month. We made some small talk and got caught up. She was engaged and had really grown into her body. …

I’m a bbw and I love anal sex
I’m almost 60 and have been having anal sex for about 43 years. I’m married and my husband likes it as much as I do I have had man friends with benefits over the years and ones with really big dicks give me the most intense orgasms. My husband knows about all of them and …

I’m a bbw and I love anal sex
I’m almost 60 and have been having anal sex for about 43 years. I’m married and my husband likes it as much as I do I have had man friends with benefits over the years and ones with really big dicks give me the most intense orgasms. My husband knows about all of them and …

My drunk mom
Meil on tavaks jaanitule tegemine suvel.Seal tarvitatakse õlu ja alkoholi.Olin ka oma emaga seal peol,mina olin noortega kaugemal teistest.Ööd on meil sellel ajal valged.Järsku tuli üks tädi mulle ütlema,et ma viiks oma ema koju.Ema oli omale palju alkoholi sisse joonud.Meil oli pool kilomeetrit koju minna,ema tahtis kogu aeg puhata.Minul hakkas tunne ema poole,et läheks mõneks …

Friend’s Husband
I went out of town to visit a girlfriend of mine for a long weekend while my husband stayed home with the kids. Her husband was supposed to be out of town on business but his plans got cancelled last minute. He promised to stay out of our way. The first night she and I …