Archive for the ‘Confessions’ Category

Confession to a ghost
This is a confession to a woman who has since passed on, but has continued to haunt me from my childhood. I had know Mary Lou all of my life. For a long time she was my mothers best friend and the mother of my early childhood best friend. For some reason, still totally unclear …

My first great time.
So for the purpose of this story my name is James and my friends name is jake. One night we went to a party and had quite a bit to drink. Both of us struck out which was unusual. So we went home and decided to crash out together in my bed. All was good …

First Bisexual Experience
Okay, so let me give you some background on the story first. I’m a 17 year old male from the Midwestern United States. I stand at 6 foot 2, I have a brownish blonde kind of hair color that I usually gel so that it stands up. I also have blue eyes. I’m a slim, …

Unexpected Pleasure
It happened my freshman year of college. I was 22 years old and had just finished a 4 year hitch in the service. I was married and had a one year old son. My wife and son were living with my parents while I was living in a dorm room at the University. The plan …

Don’t hate be for being a brutha!
Though there are many clear advantages to being a black man one being beautiful sistahs to love on. But when i am on mass transit on one ever wants to sit next to me not even sistahs or other bruthas. Uhhh… thank you! I really do dig having the whole seat to myself.

Some one else’s Wife
About 2 yrs ago I connected with an old high school classmate she was a senior when I was a freshman. So we didn’t really interact in school. But when we reconnected on FB she came at me with alot of flirting. I saw on her page she was married and when I asked she …

Eros is the Greek God of Love
Trier is the oldest city in Germany. It is the birthplace of Karl Marx, religious people pilgrimage there to see the Holy Tunic which reputed to be the robe Jesus wore when he died. But I used to party my ass off there at a place called Majik’s disco that was owned by a gentleman …

Kissin’ Cousins
I used to deal with this chick who was mad sexy rocking the natural hair before it is now all cool to do. She was truly sexy as hell!! One day we were gettin’ it in at her house but for some reason i was having a HARD time bustin’ a nut. Well…. I noticed …