Archive for the ‘Confessions’ Category

Happy Ending
I studied health and beauty at college, and just started my first job at a hotel spa. I focused on massage as I was pretty good, most the clients were middle aged women, or couples. Then on day I got a hot guy. When I met him at the desk I was nervous, I instantly …

Meeting someone new
So we picked up my cousin from the airport. She is really tall about 6’2". She was wearing cotton booty shorts and a white shirt. Seeing her instantly made me hard. So we took her home and from the start she came i started flirting a little with her. Then after a full day, we …

I use my relatives buttholes as cum disposals
Sometimes i sleep over at my cousins house. Alot. I tend to get kinky at their house and i get hard too. I need to cum sometimes but i dont want to make a mess at their house. So i use an oval shaped narrow passage to cum in. My cousin and my aunts buttholes. …

Is this weird :P
Sometimes i go inside my cousins room and put my dick in her butthole and use it as my own cum trash can while shes sleeping. I sometimes do it to my aunt because if my cousin isnt here my aunt is. I dont want to cum anywhere else because it makes a mess and …

Using my cousin as a cum trash can
Ok im pretty hard while writing this… My cousin was a very hot girl looking like the most beautiful girl in the universe. She had a huge ass and titties. Sometimes in her sleep, i would pull down her pants and look at her sweet pussy. When she got out the shower, i hid in …

Cum in shampoo
My cousin was going to college for about a month. She had a big ass and if you searched up Scarlett Johannson on google, she would look very similar to her. So while she was at college, i decided to do an expirement. Can sperm be used as a natural women’s shampoo source? Not natural …

I fucked my neighbor (apparently)
I just turned 18 yesterday when i started watching porn. I loved the feeling of boners. Then i was watching porn and hard while i was about to cum. Then, my sister was using the bathroom upstairs so i had no choice but to use it downstairs. So i went downstairs and saw the lady …

I am shocked
One day, I was on my phone watching youtube when i suddenly got the urge to cum. I had to act fast and cum in something. Then, i went into the downstairs bathroom while the hot lady we rented the room to was cooking. Her clothes was in there and she was about to take …

How I learned to love cock, and how I lost my anal virginity
During this time I was a server at a breakfast place. When we hired Jason he was really nice I just could sense something was going to happen involving him, about a month goes by and no one knew the whole time that he was gay. Little more time went by and I ran into …