brazen nudity

I’m 27 and live alone in a small row home in Baltimore that I bought last year. I work a lot of hours during the week so on weekends I rarely go out. Being alone has it advantages simply since I don’t have to get dressed after I shower Fridays after work. I just began going around the house naked all weekend. I could never do that before because I lived with my parents in Beltsville. Last January on a Saturday, Danika came to my door and flat out told me she has peeked in my window and that she and her friend Maria have seen me naked a dozen or more times. I put on a bathrobe when she knocked but she just asked me if I liked being naked. I didn’t invite her to come in but she said she was cold and asked if I had any beer. The next thing I knew I had this heavy set black girl in my living room.
I got her a beer and thats when she said that her and her friend watched me jerk off twice and told me I should pull my shade down all the way laughing as she said it. She drank her beer and we talked for about a half hour. As she went home she turned to me and said word for word "next time I come over you better be naked you cute white boy", then just walked down the street. It was the following Saturday about 2 in the afternoon that again there was a knock on my door. Again I put on my robe and at my door was Danika and her friend Maria. Danika just asked if I was going to invite them in or let them freeze there ass off. So I let them come in a got them a beer.
We sat talking and I found out Danika is 21 and Maria is 22 from Puerto Rico. After about only ten minutes Danika looked at me and said I thought you were going to be naked for me today? Then she began telling me how cute I was and how nice my body is. Then Maria asked me to take off my robe telling me they already saw me naked a lot of times. I just laughed at first and got them another beer. Danika then said they only came over to see me naked. I just thought what the hell and I stood up and took the robe off standing there nude in front of them. Maria insisted I turn around and although I was semi embarrassed I also began getting an erection. It wasn’t that either of them are pretty girls but it just turned me on being naked in front of them.
I felt comfortable right away just by the comments they were making about my body and good looks. We just talked awhile and I had a hard on the whole time and that’s when Danika told me to jerk off for them. The only time I ever jerked off in front of a girl was with a girlfriend I had a few years ago. I have carpet in the living room so I got newspaper putting it on the floor and totally loved masturbating in front of them. Since then they are here almost every Saturday and sometimes on Friday nights. So far Danika has jerked me off about 15 times but Maria has only done it for me 5 or 6 times so far. They never take any of there clothes off but it doesn’t matter to me. Since February I don’t even put a robe on to answer the door and am naked when they come in. They are usually here for 2 or 3 hours and I often am able to jerk off twice and if lucky have one of them do it for me. They dictate often how they want me to lay down or stand while I jerk off. They have coerced me into exposing myself to them in shameful positions that should embarrass me. Its like a show I give them every weekend.