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Poison Ivy
“So his fate was sealed” Poison Ivy said “with a kiss, and so is yours” she said to a tied up Batman. Then she kisses him and he tries to spit it out. “Oh what’s a matter? Afraid I have cooties. I do you know. Look.” She points to her crotch and her penis began …

Poison Ivy
“So his fate was sealed” Poison Ivy said “with a kiss, and so is yours” she said to a tied up Batman. Then she kisses him and he tries to spit it out. “Oh what’s a matter? Afraid I have cooties. I do you know. Look.” She points to her crotch and her penis began …

My drunk mom
Meil on tavaks jaanitule tegemine suvel.Seal tarvitatakse õlu ja alkoholi.Olin ka oma emaga seal peol,mina olin noortega kaugemal teistest.Ööd on meil sellel ajal valged.Järsku tuli üks tädi mulle ütlema,et ma viiks oma ema koju.Ema oli omale palju alkoholi sisse joonud.Meil oli pool kilomeetrit koju minna,ema tahtis kogu aeg puhata.Minul hakkas tunne ema poole,et läheks mõneks …

Humiliation and abuse
Today is my birthday and 25 years ago I was a 12 year old innocent little girl,lived in poverty in West Virginia and had 3 friends who lived in a farm house almost a 1/2 mile away. Ivy was almost 16 Amelia 14 and Gary was 8 months older than me. Ivy and Amelia were …

Friend’s Husband
I went out of town to visit a girlfriend of mine for a long weekend while my husband stayed home with the kids. Her husband was supposed to be out of town on business but his plans got cancelled last minute. He promised to stay out of our way. The first night she and I …