Cruel sloppy women

From the time I was 6 or 7 until a month after my 14th birthday I lived in a large group home in Alabama. It was run by my uncle Aaron, my dads older brother, and aunt Carla along with my cousin Doris. My aunt and uncle were in their late 40’s when I moved in and my cousin Doris had to be about 24 or 25. There were 2 large dorm rooms on the second floor the left side for boys and the right side for girls. Each dorm room had a toilet and sink but the shower and bath room was in the middle. It was a big shower room with 5 shower heads but only 3 actually worked. There was a large bathtub adjacent to it and 3 toilet stalls and 3 sinks. The entrance to the shower room was only a wide doorway with no doors. When I was 10 or 11 there were 3 other boys, 1 younger and 2 older than me. On the girls side there were 6 girls and 2 were younger than me. That was about the time I began being embarrassed. If I really think about it now Carla and Doris were fat slobs and had no respect for the boys privacy always catering to the girls. I had no embarrassment in front of Clara or Doris and I don’t think it bothered the other boys when they saw us naked. They were always in the shower room at night when we all bathed so we were used to it. The girls would peek in at us and neither Carla or Doris would stop them. If any of the boys tried to peek in at the girls we would be punished. This was back in the 1980’s and it only got worse the older I got. Thank heavens after I turned 14 the CPS transferred me to a group home in Birmingham.
My uncle never seemed to be around and Carla was a total bitch with us boys. Doris became just as bad after awhile and aside from all the embarrassment we endured it seemed they enjoyed humiliating us. The one shower head had one of those hand held shower attachments and although we were instructed to wash ourselves either Carla or Doris would insist on spaying the soap off of us. They not only made us open our legs wide to rinse our genitals but also made us bend and spread our cheeks apart exposing our anus. The two boys older than me were not circumcised so they made them pull back their foreskin to rinse them telling them it was a place for germs. I don’t think I ever saw them cry with the embarrassment but it was obvious how humiliating it was for them. Another reason it was traumatic was Carla or Doris would never stop any of the girls from going into the toilet stalls. It was mostly the older girls and we all knew they could see us. If any of us boys would try to come in the shower room while the girls were in there we would get spanked grounded or both. If we said anything about the girls watching us they always said they were just using the toilet and their door was closed. Yea the door was closed but they could still see right into the shower.
Harry was the oldest at the time and the first time any of us got a hard on when Carla was spraying his genitals. I expected Carla to scream at him but she never sad anything about it. From then on Carla and Doris eventually began making us hold up our dick and spread our legs open wide moving the spraying water up the crack of our ass and all around our balls and dick. I’m pretty sure I was 12 the first time it made me get an erection. Even then I was to stupid to realize they did this on purpose. Shortly after that Harry is the one who told me how to jerk off. None of the girls said much to us about watching us in the showers except for Marjorie. She was the one girl who always seemed to go into one of the toilet stalls at night more than any of the others. She even asked me one time why I didn’t have foreskin on my penis. She didn’t know boys could be circumcised. She also said she saw us aroused using the word boner telling me Vincent had the biggest penis, which was true. Marjorie was the oldest and never afraid to say anything to me or the other boys. She even told Vincent that she watched him get an enema twice when he was sick that year. Vincent didn’t believe her so she even said she saw him bent over the tub when Doris pushed the nozzle up his ass. All the boys laughed except Vincent.
It eventually got to the point where both Carla and Doris would purposely aim the spray in ways to arouse us and I began getting erections every time I showered. These were two grown, fat, sloppy women who intentionally wanted to humiliate and embarrass us. All those girls, even the younger ones, were able to see us naked almost anytime they wanted to and Carla and Doris never tried to stop them. I do admit seeing the girls naked sometimes over those years but it was seldom when Doris or Carla where down stairs or not watching. All us boys were confined to our dorm room when the girls were in the shower room. When the boys were in there the girls still had the run of the house. Just the way the way some of the girls looked at me I knew they saw me naked recently. They would have a weird grin on their faces and at times I could hear them talking about different things they saw. They talked about Vincent more than me or the other boys because his dick was so big. I heard them talking about how we got boners and how they saw our ass holes when Carla or Doris made us bend over. Marjorie was always the most inquisitive one and would openly ask me or the other boys questions. She didn’t care if she was embarrassing any of us and would use terms like testicles, penis, scrotum, erection, pubic hair or anus but also refer to them as balls, dick, boner, prick and ass hole. She never denied watching us and many times mentioned the other girls who watched us a lot. I once told her I saw her naked and the first thing she did was tell Clara. Clara came over to me at dinner time the next day and smacked me in the face in front of everybody scolding me for peeking in at the girls. A double standard, you bet your ass it is.
By the time I was 13 I had quite a bit of pubic hair as did the other boys but it didn’t matter because Carla and Doris still treated and talked to us like we were young kids. As soon as they sprayed my dick and balls I would get a hard on and so did the other boys. They continued to make us bend over and move the spray of water in my butt crack and spray it upwards onto my balls and dick. By the time I got back to my dorm room all I wanted to do was jerk off. If I really consider it Clara and Doris were the cause of me masturbating so much over those years. When I was sent to the Birmingham group house it was just the opposite and I had total privacy when I wanted it. From then on I kept it that way and never kept in touch with any of those other kids I shared that house with. I suppose My uncle Aaron and Clara are dead by now and I never tried to contact Doris who would now be in her late 60’s. They were my relatives and still treated me like shit.