Adult Theater Trip Gone Wrong

I have dressed to some extent ever since I was around 11 and tried on a pair of my sister’s panties. It was just lingerie for many years and my greatest fear was that I would slip up and someone would see me. This began to change around age 45 as I began wanting to dress fully female and even allow myself to be seen by others. By the time I reached 50 I had made my debut in an adult theater as Jennifer. This happened several years ago, I’m thinking it was the summer of 2006, maybe 6 months or so after I went to the theater the first time as Jennifer.
I had plans to go to the adult theater on a Wednesday night. I wore a white bra with lots of lace, white g string panties that barely covered everything when positioned perfectly, and over that a black mini skirt and pink pull over top. That particular night I also wore a black wig and a pair of black heels.
Upon arrival I walked in and down the hallway to sales floor of the adult book and toy store and turned right to the booth and theater entrance. I paid my entry fee and walked in, passing by several booths on my way to the theater. The sound of my high heels clicking on the concrete floor seemed to echo through out the building. I went in the theater and sat down on the sofa directly in front of the entrance door. There was another sofa against the wall to the left of the entrance door, and there was a guy giving a BJ to another guy and a third guy watching. There were also several empty chairs on the other side of the room directly across from where I was sitting, and a big screen tv playing a gay porno movie in the back of the room to my right. Maybe 10 minutes passed and this big guy wearing a cowboy hat and boots came in, and I noticed he was checking me out. This guy was big, and I don’t mean obese, he was all muscle, and probably around 6′ 3”tall. After a bit he made his way to a chair directly across the room from where I was sitting.
It was, and still is my habit when a guy does that to discreetly drop something and “accidentally” open my legs so he has an unobstructed view up my skirt. Unlike some girls, I consider it a huge compliment when a guy tries to catch a glimpse up my skirt or dress. I fumbled through my purse and found a hair bush and brushed my hair a bit, and checked my makeup in a hand held mirror I had in my purse. I was about to put the hair brush back in my purse and I dropped it. I bent over to pick it up, making sure I opened my legs enough that he got a really good view. I had barely got the brush back in my purse when he walked over and asked if I would mind if he sat with me. I replied, not at all, patting the sofa cushion next to me.
I am one of those gurls who finds it incredibly difficult to say no to a man, or to any kind of sexual advance from them. It has to be something that I am adamantly against for me to protest in any way.
He hadn’t been siting there more than a minute or two when I felt a hand on my leg and felt it inching it’s way up my skirt. He rubbed the inside of my thigh and my crotch area through my panties but made no effort to slide them to the side or get his hand inside them.
About the time I began thinking this guy was going to be a total dud, in a very gruff and forceful voice he said, “ Alright slut, since you seem to like to show yourself to men, let’s do this shit right”. In a voice and manor that would have made any army drill sergeant proud, he said, “Now slut, get your ass to the middle of the room and face the front and the entrance ” I did as he asked all the time wondering what he had in store for me. I didn’t have to wait long to find out. In the same drill sergeant voice he said, “Take that damn top off and drop it on the floor beside you, and do it now!.” I did as he instructed. He then said, “Get that skirt off too, Bitch!” I unzipped it and let it slide it down, and stepped out of it, then put it on the top I had just take off just a few moments before. For some reason, I was confident that he wouldn’t ask me to take off anything else but I was wrong! I had men make me take off my top or skirt a few times before and was somewhat comfortable doing that, however I hadn’t went beyond that and wasn’t at all comfortable doing it then. He was barking out these commands very loudly and in doing so, had gotten the attention of several other men that was elsewhere in the theater and booth areas and some had came in to see what was going on. By this time there was probably 6 or 7 men sitting on the sofa beside the door or standing in the doorway watching. The guy looks me up and down and says, “Let’s see some more skin, get that bra off”! I reached behind me and unhooked my bra and took it off and dropped it on the pile of clothing beside me. He then says, “Now slut, the panties too”! I guess I must have hesitated a bit too long as he said, “ Alright slut I better not have to tell you again, get those damn panties off, and do it now”! I did as I was told, slid them down around my ankles, stepped out of them and took the toe of my shoe and flipped them on the pile of clothes beside me. In the time I took taking my bra and panties off, 3 or 4 more men had came in to watch. By this time the big sectional sofa was full, and guys were beginning to sit in the chairs that lined the far wall in front of where I had been sitting.
By this time I was standing in front of around 15 or 16 very horny men wearing nothing but my wig, makeup, and pair of 4 inch heels, and it seemed like at least half of the men had their cock in hand, stroking it and looking at me. I am bi, So I like both men and women, and suddenly remembered times I had looked at women with much the same look in my eyes they had for me.
The sofa where most of the men were sitting was probably 10 to 15 feet from where I was forced to strip. I could see that the guy sitting on the end to my right was taking a particular interest in me. He looked quite hard and was sporting a very nice cock of 7 inches, or maybe more. About this time the guy barked out saying, “Hey look, guys no wonder she thinks she is a girl, I have never seen one that tiny, have you?” I heard a couple of the guys yell no, and a couple more yell, Hell no! “My tormentor said, “I don’t know about you guys, but I would like to see what it looks like hard, Okay Bitch, start playing with it, let’s see it us see it get hard.” I did as I was told and it began to get hard. I am quiet small even hard, maybe 4 inches and once he saw it saw hard he said “Now stroke it until you cum, we all need some entertainment, and a live show beats a movie any day” I stroked it and soon shot a load of almost clear white sperm . The guys yells I a gruff voice, Okay Bitch, now turn and face the tv, spread your legs nice and wide, then bend over and grab your ankles, and hold them until I tell you to release them. This seemed like a half hour, but I am sure it was actually no more than two or three minutes, before the guy told me to release my ankles stand and face the entrance. In the two or three minutes I was bent over, the guy came over and spread my ass cheeks nice and wide showing everyone my gurl pussy and even made the comment, If anyone wants a tight hole, looks like we have one here!” The guy then said “It looks like you have a fan over on the end of the sofa who would like a closer look at that tiny little thing. Now get your ass over there and prop your foot up on the sofa arm beside him so he can get a good view!” I did as I was told. The guy barked out and said, Okay, slut, since you have been such a whore and took all your clothes off right in front of these poor guys and got them all hard and horny, I think you should take care of them, so get on your knees and suck his cock until he cums. I did as I was told and I saw pretty quickly it wouldn’t take long to make him cum. About the time I was thinking that, the guy barked out Don’t you dare spit that cum out, and don’t swallow it just yet either, we all want to see a little trollop with a mouthful of cum, don’t we , guys? You will stand, open your mouth and show everyone what you were working so hard for. When I opened my mouth to show everyone, cum began to trickle out each side of my mouth as the guy I just sucked off gave me a mouthful for my efforts. By this time a line of sorts had formed, and I ended up sucking off 8 of the 14 men that were in there watching one after another. What’s more 5 of the remaining 6 men jacked off and shot their load on my back and ass as I was sucking off the others. Some time during the time I was sucking the guys off, the guy who was barking out all the orders picked up all the clothes I had taken off and put them in a Walmart bag and kept it close beside him.
All this happened around 8:30 at night and the guy informed me he was keeping all my clothes and would be taking them with him when he left for the night. He informed me I would have to make my way back to my car, and home just as I was, but if I did everything he asked immediately and without question, he might give me my panties back before he left. I was instructed to walk through the area past all the booths and then walk through the straight theater and if any man wanted to touch or grope or fuck me I was to put up no resistance. I also had get on my knees and suck off anyone who asked. I got a couple of smacks on my bare ass as I walked down the hall to the booth area and ended up sucking off two more guys in the hallway. By this time more cum had ran out of the sides of my mouth and was running down between my tits, and the cum that was on my back and ass was beginning to run down my right leg. The guy told me in no uncertain terms that if I wanted any chance of getting my panties back at the end of the night, I was to make no effort to clean myself up or wipe off any of the cum. Once I got to the straight theater there was this guy who made me bend over the back of one of the sofas. I could feel his hard member running the length of my ass crack, but for some reason he never tried to penetrate me, I have no idea as to why. At that time I had never been fucked by a guy but was going to let him do what he wanted so maybe the guy would at least give me my panties back and I wouldn’t have to exit the place totally naked. I had to suck off that guy and another guy before I made it out of there.
Long about midnight the guy gave me back my panties and told me I could put them back on. Thing was, they were dripping wet with piss. I know it was piss as when I pulled them up, I could see a couple of drops of yellow water running down my leg. Maybe an hour later he told me I was to sit on the sofa where I was when he came in and not dare to get up for at least 30 minutes. He then took the bag containing the rest of my clothes and left the room.
As I sat there I was trying to figure out how I was going to get back to my car and to my house since I had on nothing but a pair of g string panties and a pair of heels. To exit, you have to go through the main bookstore sales area along the back side of the store. When you first exit the area I was in, there is a rack where they display various sex toys that goes about 10 feet in the direction of the exit, then about an area of 20 feet in full view of the cashier and entire sales floor before you reach a hallway that leads to the outside door. About all I could think of was to take off my heels so the noise of the heels clicking on the concrete floor didn’t attract attention and when I got to the end of the rack, make a brake for the hallway and the door.
Once the 30 minutes had went by I decided now was as good of a time as any so I walked toward where you exit into the store area. When I got to the door, to my surprise, there sat the Walmart bag containing my clothes on a stool near the door. I put everything back on right there on that spot and went to my car and headed home.
I have thought about it a lot since that night, and know I never saw that guy there before that night or since, so I am thinking he was probably a truck driver as the book store has a large lot when guys park their rigs, and you often see drivers in the theater areas. Since that night I always carry a spare top and shorts in my purse, just in case!