18 months of humiliation

A girl I spent 18 months with in foster care 13 years ago, sent me a text saying that the R——- family house burnt down last month. My only reaction was to smile and hope they were homeless. I was 12 when I moved in there and she (Alexa) was 15 at the time. I have only had contact with her a few times in the last 13 years but she is the only one that was kind to me. The parents of the house were seldom home both because of their jobs and their social life. They frequented bars and clubs and left me and Alexa in the hands of their two older daughters. They also had an older son who was in the Navy, who I only saw twice. These two sisters were 17 and 19 and put me through living hell. They did everything possible to humiliate me and often made me undress in front of them and stay naked for hours at a time. They would spank me while naked for no reason or stupid things I did. Not only in front of Alexa but in front of 2 of their girlfriends and in front of the one sisters boyfriend. The parents ignored this telling me the girls were in charge when they are out, which was most of the time. Alexa tried to stick up for me many times but they treated her badly also. They never made her strip but they did hit her. Finally after 18 months of sheer humiliation I was able to tell the woman from child services about it and Alexa backed me up. We were both removed from them and I never saw Alexa again. She still lives in Ohio but the first chance I got I moved to the east coast. So yes I’m glad their house burnt down.